Henson & His Works

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Rakyat dan Masyarakat

Kata rakyat dan masyarakat mempunyai makna yang mirip. Kata rakyat berkaitan dengan sebuah negara, sedangkan kata masyarakat berkenaan dengan kelompok sosial yang tinggal di suatu wilayah negara.

Di dalam Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia kata rakyat berarti 'segenap penduduk suatu negara, sedangkan masyarakat berarti 'sejumlah manusia yang terikat oleh suatu kebudayaan yang mereka anggap sama'.

Di dalam bahasa Inggris kata rakyat maknanya sama dengan kata people dan di dalam bahasa Belanda disamakan maknanya dengan kata volks. Padanan kata masyarakat di dalam bahasa Inggris adalah community. Makna kata itu berkaitan dengan adat-istiadat dan budaya yang sama, seperti dalam ungkapan masyarakat desa, yaitu kelompok sosial yang terikat oleh kesamaan tatanan dan tradisi serta pola hidup yang berlaku di lingkungan pedesaan.

Sumber: http://pusatbahasa.diknas.go.id/laman/index.php?info=praktis&action=detail&kataistilahid=34

Monday, February 16, 2009

Zenni Optical in the New York Times

It isn’t surprising to see Zenni Optical in the New York Times?! Why? Because Zenni Optical deserves it. This online store has been well-known all over the world for its stylish and beautiful products. With cheaper prices, Zenni Optical offers its customers many kinds of eyeglasses. Wanna get an example? Prescription eyeglasses for only $8! I’m sure this price is affordable. Despite the cheap prices, the quality is very good, so you don’t need to spend much money, which also means seeing straight without breaking bank.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Pembayaran AdSense Bisa melalui Western Union


We're excited to introduce Western Union Quick Cash as a new payment method for Indonesia! Western Union Quick Cash is a new form of payment that lets you receive your AdSense payments in cash using the worldwide Western Union money transfer service. This payment method is quick, easy, and free.
Best of all, you'll no longer need to wait for checks to arrive in the mail or to clear at the bank.

Inilah bagian awal email yang saya terima dari Google AdSense kemarin. Sebuah kabar baik bagi para publisher AdSense di Indonesia. Kalau sebelumnya Google hanya membayar melalui cek yang pengurusannya sangat njlimet, makan waktu lama, dan biayanya mahal, sekarang sudah ada opsi pembayaran lain yaitu melalui Western Union. Dengan sistem pembayaran ini, uang bisa dicairkan dengan cepat di agen-agen Western Union berlogo tulisan warna kuning.

Untuk mengubah opsi pembayaran ke Western Union, caranya adalah sebagai berikut:

  • Login ke account Google AdSense Anda.
  • Klik My Account.
  • Pilih Account Setting.
  • Klik Edit pada Payment Details.
  • Pilih Western Union Quick Cash.

Mudah-mudahan, opsi sistem pembayaran baru yang diberlakukan bagi para publisher AdSense di Indonesia ini benar-benar akan mempermudah proses pembayaran. Bagi Anda yang pernah (atau pun berencana) menerima pembayaran Google AdSense melalui Western Union, silahkan berbagi pengetahuan dan pengalaman Anda dengan memberikan komentar di blog ini agar para pengunjung lain bisa mendapatkan manfaat berupa pengetahuan baru.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Key Performance Indicators

KPI stands for Key Performance Indicators. KPI is used by many companies to asses the performance of their business. As we know, to develop our business well, we must understand many aspects of our business. Without the best knowledge and understanding of our own business, it will be very difficult to develop our business. Development KPI and development metrics are required for this purpose. It seems that KPI can solve the problem.

Monitoring the activities of the company is very important, moreover when it has something to do with manufacturing process. Product development becomes a crucial issue. If we make a mistake in analyzing the products and the costs which are used to produce the products, we will get into trouble. Therefore, financial perspective and consumer perspective must be given more attention in order to reach the best results.

Balanced Scorecard Designer is a website which designs and shares balanced scorecards and KPI. If you need a development scorecard, you can buy the full version of Development Scorecards software from this website. Or, you can also try it first by downloading the trial version which is provided in the website. Balanced Scorecard approach serves as a possible solution for your company. So, what are you waiting for? Increase the performance of your company.