Henson & His Works

Friday, December 26, 2008

Sekilas tentang Dunia Penulisan Buku (Bagian 3)

Apa Yang Harus Ditulis?

Mungkin bagi para pemula, pertanyaan yang muncul di benak mereka adalah: Apa yang harus saya tulis? Sebenarnya apa saja bisa ditulis. Pembaca buku berasal dari berbagai latar belakang pendidikan, minat, hobi, dan sebagainya. Jika Anda memiliki kiat-kiat praktis di bidang komputer, Anda bisa menulis buku komputer. Jika Anda menguasai bahasa Inggris, Anda bisa menulis buku yang berhubungan dengan bahasa Inggris, misalnya buku tata bahasa (grammar), kosakata (vocabulary), percakapan (conversation), atau buku soal-soal bahasa Inggris yang dilengkapi dengan pembahasannya. Jika Anda hobi berkebun atau menanam bunga-bunga hias dan Anda benar-benar menguasai mengenai hal tersebut, Anda bisa menulis buku panduan praktis menanam bunga hias. Jadi, sebenarnya banyak hal di sekitar kita yang bisa dijadikan bahan untuk menulis buku. Bahkan bagi ibu-ibu yang hobi memasak, mereka bisa menulis buku resep masakan spesial. Buku jenis ini bisa juga laris di pasaran kok.

Mengenai gaya penulisan, itu terserah Anda. Masing-masing penulis buku biasanya memiliki gaya penulisan yang berbeda-beda. Yang jelas, usahakanlah menulis dengan menggunakan kaidah-kaidah bahasa Indonesia yang baik dan benar, baik itu tata bahasa, pemakaian kata, maupun pemakaian tanda baca.

Di bawah ini adalah gambar cover 2 buku dari 7 buku saya yang sudah diterbitkan oleh beberapa penerbit di Indonesia.

Penerbit Dioma Malang

Penerbit Yrama Widya Bandung

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Ashworth College

Nobody can deny the importance of education. Education can become one of the aspects which influences one’s future. Ashworth college is an educational institution that cares about one’s advancement in the future. This college also has a college board which consists of thousands of schools, colleges, universities, and educational organizations. With its programs such as the SAT®, the PSAT/NMSQT®, and the AP®, the college board tries to increase the quality of education.

Ashworth college exists among so many colleges. It has a good purpose to help people get better skill and knowledge. As we know, the United States is now going through a fall from top ranks of countries with a college-educated workforce. The existence of Ashworth college is very helpful in taking a part in coping with this problem. This college produces good quality graduates who are ready to enter the workforce. By having postsecondary degrees or certificates, the graduates are expected to be able to work well. Many people are not ready to work when they have completed their study. So, when they are forced to enter the workforce and they really get a job, they cannot do their job well. Or, in other words, they cannot do their job as they are asked or expected to do.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Sekilas tentang Dunia Penulisan Buku (Bagian 2)

Apakah menjadi penulis itu harus punya bakat? Tidak juga. Kalau punya bakat menulis, proses tulis-menulis akan menjadi lebih lancar. Tapi itu tidaklah berarti bahwa profesi penulis tertutup bagi mereka yang tidak mempunyai bakat. Kemampuan di bidang tulis-menulis bisa dipelajari dan dikembangkan selama kita memiliki kemauan yang keras, tekun, dan mau berlatih tanpa kenal lelah.

Terus terang, pada awal terjun di dunia tulis-menulis pada 1993, saya tidak memiliki bakat menulis. Saya sering merasa kesulitan dalam mengungkapkan gagasan-gagasan atau pikiran-pikiran saya. Namun, saya terus berusaha belajar, membaca berbagai buku, membaca dan mengamati tulisan-tulisan para penulis lain, serta berlatih menulis. Akhirnya, saya pun berhasil mewujudkan keinginan saya untuk menjadi seorang penulis. Selama tahun 1993-2000 artikel, puisi dan cerpen saya berhasil dimuat di beberapa majalah dan surat kabar di Indonesia. Namun, sejak tahun 2000, saya merasa jenuh dan mulai berpikir untuk mencapai yang lebih tinggi lagi, yaitu menjadi penulis buku. Bisakah?

Ternyata, dengan kerja keras, cita-cita untuk menjadi seorang penulis buku pun tercapai (Untuk cerita yang lebih lengkap, silahkan baca artikel perdana saya di blog ini) Tahun 2002 buku pertama saya berhasil diterbitkan oleh sebuah penerbit di Solo. Hinggi kini (2008) sudah tujuh buku yang diterbitkan. Buku-buku tersebut diterbitkan oleh penerbit-penerbit di Jakarta, Bandung, Malang, dan Surabaya. Mudah-mudahan karya-karya selanjutnya akan segera menyusul. Betapa bahagianya saat menemukan buku-buku saya terpajang di toko-toko buku terkenal.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

LifeLock Review

Mr. Smith can sleep soundly and feel secure because he has joined identity theft prevention program. He is not worried if there is someone who wants to try to open his credit account because the prevention program will give fraud alert call and he also gets other security services. The different situation happens to Mr. Donny. He often feels worried about his personal and financial information. He is afraid that someone will use his secret information for bad purposes. Unfortunately, Mr. Donny does not want to join identity theft prevention program. He is still not aware of the importance of this program. Maybe he needs to read a LifeLock review to know more about LifeLock, its program, and other facilities he will get by becoming the member.

A number of LifeLock reviews have been published to give enlightenment to readers. From the reviews it is expected that readers will be more aware of the importance of protecting their personal and financial information. It will be a big disaster to find our information being stolen. The thief can use this information to ask for credits or, to make it worse, to ruin our reputation. Can you imagine what it will be if it really happens to us?

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Sekilas tentang Dunia Penulisan Buku (Bagian 1)

Sejak tahun lalu banyak pengunjung blog ini yang meminta saya untuk menulis artikel atau tutorial mengenai proses untuk menjadi seorang penulis buku. Namun, permintaan tersebut belum juga sempat saya penuhi. Nah, sekarang tibalah saatnya bagi saya untuk memenuhinya. (Posting ini dapat juga Anda baca di blog SMART STEPZ dot COM.

Menulis, apakah itu puisi, cerpen, artikel, atau buku, pada dasarnya merupakan sebuah kegiatan kreatif yang membutuhkan ketrampilan khusus. Untuk menjadi seorang penulis dibutuhkan kesabaran dan latihan secara terus-menerus.

Kegiatan tulis-menulis itu sendiri memiliki beberapa manfaat sebagaimana diungkapkan oleh Bernard Percy dalam bukunya The Power of Creative Writing (1981):
  • a tool for self-expression (alat untuk pengungkapan diri)
  • a tool for understanding (alat untuk pemahaman)
  • a tool to help developing personal satisfaction, pride, and a feeling of self-worth (alat untuk membantu mengembangkan kepuasan pribadi, kebanggaan, dan rasa nilai/harga diri)
  • a tool for increasing awareness and perception of one's environment (alat untuk meningkatkan kesadaran dan persepsi terhadap lingkungan)
  • a tool for active involvement, not passive acceptance (alat untuk keterlibatan secara aktif, bukannya penerimaan secara pasif)
  • a tool for developing an understanding of and ability to use the language (alat untuk mengembangkan pemahaman dan kemampuan menggunakan bahasa)

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Unsecured Loans

In this life sometimes we need loans to fulfill our certain necessities. If you are a small business owner, for example, maybe some day you will need small business loans to develop your business or to run your business better and better. So, how to get the loans? Going to the banks to get the loans is often very difficult because the banks usually demand a lot of requirements. As an alternative place, you can go to Unsecured Funding Source. The process is easy and fast. Just visit the website and fill out the easy two step application. It will take only about two minutes.

In addition to the loans for small businesses, you can also try to get personal loans for your personal necessities or business start up loans to start your new business. You do not have to use collateral or have assets to get the loans. Unsecured Funding Source gives priorities to the consumers. That’s why, everything is made as easy as possible. The application is approved within 48 hours. If your application is approved, you are free to use the loans. Unsecured Funding Source will not restrict you. It’s simple. Isn’t it? Do you want to try the service given by this website?

Thursday, December 4, 2008

PayPal Berbahasa Indonesia

Bulan lalu saya menerima email dari PayPal yang menginformasikan bahwa PayPal sudah mendukung bahasa Indonesia. "PayPal sekarang berbicara dalam bahasa Anda!" Demikian yang diungkapkan oleh PayPal.

Dengan adanya dukungan bahasa Indonesia, hal ini akan lebih memudahkan bagi para pengguna jasa PayPal yang tidak mengerti bahasa Inggris sehingga transaksi yang mereka lakukan (baik itu penerimaan pembayaran, pengiriman uang, penarikan uang ke bank lokal, maupun hal-hal lainnya) dapat terlaksana dengan lebih mudah dan lebih cepat. Nampaknya PayPal mulai memberikan respon positif terhadap para penggunanya dari Indonesia. Hal ini sangat berbeda dengan keadaan beberapa waktu lalu.

LifeLock Discount

Identity security is one of interesting and important topics to talk about. Just imagine… 8.4 million American people became victims of identity theft last year. Because of this, more people enroll at LifeLock which offers identity theft protection program. The customers will be given fraud alerts to protect their identity or personal information. Junk mail will also be reduced. And one more interesting thing is that the customers will be given up to $1,000,000 identity guarantee. To learn more about this, you can read LifeLock reviews.

LifeLock also gives LifeLock promotion code RD 12. By using this promo code, the customers can get limited time discount and save some money. They can enjoy 30 days free and pay only $9 a month. It is an interesting offer, isn’t it? LifeLock discount is certainly preferable. The customers will be able to get the best identity protection with lower cost.

Although there are a number of online companies providing services in identity theft protection, LifeLock seems to be different. Many features and services can be utilized by the customers in order to prevent their identity from theft. Now they are not worried about the security of their personal information or financial information because LifeLock will give protection.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Nouveau University

Education is very important. It can bring someone into success in the future. Unfortunately, nowadays there have been a great number of bad quality educational institutions so that the graduates do not have a good skill. That’s why, choosing a good school or university is unavoidable in order that the students do not regret in the end. The advancement of technology has now played a very significant role in education world. Many learning processes are done through internet. It can make the students be able to arrange their own time. One of private online universities which has produced successful graduates is Nouveau University. This university is headquartered in Scottsdale, Arizona.

There are some programs which are offered at Nouveau University. They are accounting, finance, marketing, real estate investing and small business management. The programs are taught so systematically and practically that the students can understand them very easily. Many graduates of Nouveau University have been successful and become entrepreneurs or business professionals. This university was founded by Jim Piccolo. He is a successful entrepreneur, chief executive officer (CEO) of many big companies, and notable speaker. It is no wonder that this private online university develop rapidly. Even the former President of University of Phoenix, Dr. Laura Palmer Noone, has become one of the team at Nouveau University. Of course, it will strengthen the position of this university.

Small Business Loans

Many people run small businesses to get income or wealth. But unfortunately, some of them do not have cash or capital to run their businesses. To overcome this problem, they can actually try to obtain small business loans. America One Unsecured is one of the online company which provides services in giving loans. You can even try to get unsecured personal loans if you need money for your personal needs, such as traveling, going for a holiday, home improvements, or for debt consolidation.

Business loans are needed by business owners or entrepreneurs to start their new business, to run their business, or to expand their business. No business can run without capital. America One Unsecured is there to help those who need loans. Several kinds of loans are provided by America One Unsecured. You can choose the kind of loans that you really need. The process is usually easy and fast. It is no wonder that America One Unsecured has become trusted loan and credit leader since 1999. To serve the customers, this financial website has good and friendly customer care staff who is ready to help you. You can contact toll free number at 800-457-6785. Now you know where to come when you need loans for your business or for your personal needs.