Henson & His Works

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Perjalanan ke Magelang

Minggu sore 27 Juli 2008 saya berangkat ke Magelang setelah sebelumnya menginap di Yogya selama 5 hari. Kebetulan saudara saya ada yang tinggal di Magelang, tepatnya di kompleks perumahan tentara tak jauh dari lokasi Akademi Militer. Udaranya begitu dingin karena daerah ini dikelilingi oleh beberapa gunung. Ketika berjalan-jalan keliling kompleks, saya sempat memotret pemandangan gunung dengan kamera HP saya. Pemandangan begitu indah walaupun gunung tidak tampak jelas karena diselimuti oleh kabut sore.

Magelang berada di wilayah Provinsi Jawa Tengah dan posisinya terletak di perbatasan Jawa Tengah dengan Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Di dunia pendidikan, kota ini sangat terkenal dengan Akademi Militer-nya yang telah melahirkan para perwira tangguh. Selain itu terdapat juga sekolah yang sangat terkenal yaitu SMA Taruna Nusantara.

Selain menikmati pemandangan yang indah, saya beserta keluarga juga sempat mengunjungi tempat wisata Kyai Langgeng yang sangat indah dan terkenal. Pengunjung begitu ramai karena hari itu adalah hari libur nasional (30 Juli 2008). Setelah puas menikmati suasana tempat wisata tersebut, kami pun pulang. Sore harinya kami kembali ke Yogyakarta.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Perjalanan ke Yogya

Selasa 22 Juli 2008 pukul 14.15 pesawat Lion Air membawa saya beserta para penumpang lainnya ke Jakarta. Tujuan perjalanan saya adalah Yogya. Namun, saya harus transit terlebih dahulu di Jakarta. Perjalanan dari Palembang ke Jakarta ditempuh dalam waktu 50 menit. Selama masa transit di Jakarta, saya memanfaatkan waktu untuk menelpon saudara-saudara dan teman saya. Lalu saya menyalakan laptop, mencoba mencari hotspot untuk sekadar melihat-lihat blog. Tapi saya kecewa sekali karena sinyal hotspot yang saya terima sangat lemah sehingga saya gagal melakukan koneksi. Ini berbeda sekali ketika saya menunggu pesawat di ruang tunggu bandara di Palembang. Sinyal hotspot sangat kuat dan saya bisa browsing sembari menantikan waktu keberangkatan.

Pukul 17.00 saya sudah berada di dalam pesawat yang akan membawa para penumpang ke Yogya. Perjalanan udara dari Palembang ke Yogya ini sangat lancar. Tidak ada halangan apapun. Apalagi cuaca sangat cerah. Dari dalam pesawat saya bisa melihat gumpalan-gumpalan awan putih di bawah.

Lima puluh menit kemudian pesawat sudah tiba di Bandara Adi Sutjipto Yogyakarta. Saudara-saudara saya beserta keponakan-keponakan saya sudah menunggu di ruang tunggu bandara tersebut. Ah… akhirnya saya berada di Yogya lagi! Sudah 7 tahun tidak mengunjungi Yogya. Sebelumnya saya telah beberapa kali datang ke Daerah Istimewa ini.

Senang sekali rasanya bisa bertemu dan berkumpul kembali bersama saudara-saudara dan keponakan-keponakan. Kami berbincang, bercanda, dan bernyanyi. Kami juga sempat melihat beberapa sudut daerah Yogyakarta. Banyak sekali perubahan yang terjadi dibandingkan 7 tahun yang lalu.

Minggu 27 Juli 2008 kami mengunjungi Pantai Parang Tritis atau yang lebih dikenal sebagai Paris. Pada awalnya saya bingung ketika keponakan saya mengajak saya ke Paris. Saya belum nyambung. Akhirnya keponakan saya menjelaskan bahwa Paris itu singkatan dari Parang Tritis. Macam-macam saja! Kalau di Palembang Paris berarti ‘parak sinilah’ (atau dalam bahasa Indonesia ‘dekat sinilah’). Di Pantai Parang Tritis ini saya bisa melihat ombak besar bergulung-gulung. Selama ini saya cuma bisa menyaksikan ombak Parang Tritis di televisi. Gundukan-gundukan pasir ada di sana-sini. Anak-anak, termasuk keponakan saya, bermain-main di pantai sehingga tubuhnya basah dan kotor karena dipenuhi pasir. Pantai Parang Tritis adalah salah satu objek wisata yang potensial. Tapi sayangnya… menurut saya tempat wisata ini belum dikelola dengan baik. Peran pemerintah daerah sangat diperlukan agar tempat wisata ini terlihat lebih indah dan rapi.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Yang Benar Anarkis atau Anarkistis?

Dalam berbahasa, kata anarkis tampaknya lebih banyak digunakan daripada kata anarkistis. Kedua kata itu, sering kali digunakan dalam pengertian yang tertukar. Sebagai contoh, perhatikan kalimat berikut.
Para demonstran diharapkan tidak melakukan tindakan yang anarkis.
Kata anarkis pada kalimat itu tidak tepat. Untuk mengetahui hal itu, kita perlu memahami pengertian kata anarkis.

Kata anarkis anarchist berkelas nomina dan bermakna 'penganjur (penganut) paham anarkis' atau 'orang yang melakukan tindakan anarki'.
Dari pengertian tersebut ternyata kata anarkis bermakna 'pelaku', bukan 'sifat anarki'. Padahal, kata yang diperlukan dalam kalimat tersebut adalah kata sifat untuk melambangkan konsep 'bersifat anarki'.
Dalam hal ini, kata yang menyatakan 'sifat anarki' adalah anarkistis, bukan anarkis.

Kata anarkis sejalan dengan linguis 'ahli bahasa' atau pianis 'pemain piano' sedangkan anarkistis sejalan dengan optimistis 'bersifat optimis' dan pesimistis 'bersifat pesimis'.
Dengan demikian, kata anarkis pada kalimat tersebut lebih baik diganti dengan kata anarkistis sehingga kalimatnya menjadi sebagai berikut.
Para demonstran diharapkan tidak melakukan tindakan yang anarkistis.

Lalu, bagaimanakah penggunaan kata anarkis yang tepat?
Sebagaimana yang telah disebutkan di atas, kata anarkis bermakna 'pelaku', yaitu 'orang yang melakukan tindakan anarki'. Oleh karena itu, penggunaannya yang tepat adalah untuk menyatakan 'pelaku' atau 'orang yang melakukan tindakan anarki'.
Contohnya dapat disimak pada kalimat berikut.
Pemerintah mengingatkan masyarakat agar tidak berlaku sebagai anarkis dalam melakukan unjuk rasa.

Perlu pula diketahui kata anarki bermakna (1) hal tidak adanya pemerintahan, undang-undang, peraturan, atau ketertiban';(2)'kekacauan (dalam suatu negara)'.
Anarkisme bermakna 'ajaran (paham) yang menentang setiap kekuatan negara; teori politik yang tidak menyukai adanya pemerintahan dalam undang-undang'.

Link Sumber: http://www.pusatbahasa.diknas.go.id/laman/index.php?info=praktis&action=detail&kataistilahid=28


Internet technology has developed rapidly. Many things can be done more easily and more quickly. But, behind this remarkable development, there are also some negative effects. One of them is identity theft. A number of identity theft cases have occurred. Therefore, you must be more careful to handle your accounts. Once an identity thief accesses your account, it will be very harmful for you.

The existence of lifelock.com is very important. People can learn from this site which belongs to Life Lock. This company is well-known because it has dedicated itself in protecting the customers from bad people who are trying to steal identities and access the customers’ credit accounts. Without protection, those bad people will be able to access the accounts and ask for credits in the customers’ names.

Do you still want to know more about the problem described above? Well, it’s easy. Just read LifeLock reviews which contain interesting articles on identity theft, identity protection program, and other related topics. After reading the articles, maybe you will have more awareness and understanding of the importance of identity theft protection. Maybe you will also be interested in joining identity theft prevention program which will give you good protection and identity guarantee.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Arti Tanggal Lahir

Setelah membaca postingan sahabat saya Juliana Dewi K. tentang arti tanggal lahir, saya mencoba masuk ke situs ini untuk melihat arti tanggal lahir saya (tapi bukan berarti saya percaya sepenuhnya dengan semua penjelasan yang diberikan lho.)

Cara melihat arti tanggal lahir, kita cukup memilih bulan dan tanggal lahir kita, kemudian mengklik Submit Your Birth Date. Hasil yang diberikan oleh situs ini terhadap tanggal lahir saya adalah sebagai berikut:

Your Birthdate: September 16

You're incredibly introverted and introspective. You live inside your head.

You spend a lot of alone time meditating and thinking.

People see you as withdrawn, and at times they are right.

You are caring and deep, but it may be difficult for you to show this side of yourself.

Your strength: Your original approach to thinking

Your weakness: You tend to shy away from others

Your power color: Pale blue

Your power symbol: Wavy line

Your power month: July

Saya agak terkejut juga membaca hasil ini karena hasil yang diberikan memang mendeskripsikan karakter saya sehari-hari.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Real Estate College NR

The system how a college teaches its students has a big effect on the students’ success. It has been proven by Nouveau Riche, a Real Estate Investment College, which has produced successful people. In this college students are given various kinds of good and applicable strategies and concepts. In other words, those strategies and concepts can really be applied in the real life.

It is very interesting to read success stories of the people who have applied the knowledge they got from Nouveau Riche. They can be involved in real estate investment businesses, they can overcome their financial problems, and many more inspiring stories. The most surprising news I have ever read is that some people who have graduated can earn some hundred thousands dollars only in several months. It seems that creating wealth is no longer a big problem for them.

At Nouveau Riche, the students are also taught to build confidence because, as we know, confidence is one of the requirements to achieve success in business. How can we do a business or make an investment if we do not have confidence? By having high confidence and by understanding real estate investment strategies, achieving the goal of business will be easier.

Custom Essay Writing Service

Writing is exciting for some people. They can express their opinion, thoughts, or ideas. But for some other people, writing is difficult. They cannot express their opinion, thoughts, or ideas easily and freely. Moreover, writing takes much time and effort. It becomes more difficult when they are asked to write a scientific paper or essay. Now, this obstacle can be overcome because there is a website which provides services in custom essay writing. Standoutessay.com has long been engaging in this business. Its job is to give assistance to customers who meet difficulty in writing essays. For example, you are joining a coursework on algebra. Then you are given an assignment to make algebra coursework writing, but you do not know exactly what to write or how to write it. In this case, standoutessay.com can help you.

As a matter of fact, standoutessay.com offers its service in writing many kinds of research papers, term papers, essays, theses, and dissertations. All of them are written by professional writers who have much experience and expertise in writing. When you need a history research paper or a science term paper writing for example, standoutessay.com will be ready to help you in producing high quality custom writing in a short time.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Real Estate College

Everybody wants to be a successful person. There are many ways they can do to reach their goal. One of them is studying at Nouveau Riche University (NRU), a real estate college which teaches its students how to manage real estate investment and how to make money efficiently. So, this school is very suitable for those who want to be independent and want to cope with their financial problems.

Nouveau Riche University designs its learning system in such a way that the students can understand the lessons easily and can apply the knowledge they have gotten in order to improve the quality of their lives. As we know, the good quality of life is one of the things which can make us happier in our life.

If you want to know more about Nouveau Riche University and some success stories from people who ever studied there, just visit its blog. There are various articles you can read. The articles are interesting to read. Some students told their experiences that they could earn hundred thousands of dollar only in a few months. Meanwhile, some other students told about their previous life which was full of financial problem, but then they could get up and overcome their problem.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Jam dan Pukul

Kata jam dan pukul masing-masing mempunyai makna sendiri, yang berbeda satu sama lain. Hanya saja, sering kali pemakaian bahasa kurang cermat dalam menggunakan kedua kata itu sehingga tidak jarang digunakan dengan maksud yang sama.

Kata jam menunjukkan makna 'masa atau jangka waktu', sedangkan kata pukul mengandung pengertian 'saat atau waktu'. Dengan demikian, jika maksud yang ingin diungkapkan adalah 'waktu atau saat', kata yang tepat digunakan adalah pukul, seperti pada contoh berikut.
Rapat itu akan dimulai pada pukul 10.00

Sebaliknya, jika yang ingin diungkapkan itu 'masa' atau 'jangka waktu', kata yang tepat digunakan adalah jam, seperti pada kalimat contoh berikut.
Kami bekerja selama delapan jam sehari

Selain digunakan untuk menyatakan arti 'masa' atau jangka waktu', kata jam juga berarti 'benda penunjuk waktu' atau 'arloji', seperti pada kata jam dinding atau jam tangan.

Link sumber: http://www.pusatbahasa.diknas.go.id/laman/index.php?info=praktis&action=detail&kataistilahid=27

Friday, July 11, 2008

Zenni Optical

For some people, wearing eyeglasses is very important. Choosing the suitable style can improve their appearance. If you belong to this group of people, maybe you can find incredible stylish new frames from Zenni. Zenni Optical is well-known for its stylish products. Zenni Optical was on FOX news! Are you interested in Zenni’s products? Well… you can get a product with a low price. Maybe you want to buy Zenni Optical $8 Rx eyeglasses. These eyeglasses are stylish.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

LifeLock Review

It is so frightening to read the news about identity theft. A number of cases have occurred. Although the doers have been arrested and given severe punishment, cases of identity theft still happen. Reading a LifeLock review is very important and can open our horizon. We will be more aware of this thing. We will be more aware of the significance of our account. We will be more aware of the fact that there are bad people out there who are ready to steal our identity and use our credit account to ask for credits.

Many people have come to LifeLock to get protection. This online company serves the customers and offers them identity theft prevention program. This program is very effective because it can prevent bad people from accessing the customers’ credit account.

LifeLock reviews are also provided to people who want to know or want to learn more about identity theft cases, identity theft prevention program, the benefits that the customers will get by signing up, and many more. You can read the article that you like or that you need. One thing that you must always keep in mind: identity thieves are everywhere. So, you must always be careful!

LifeLock Reviews by Consumers

Identity theft has threatened many people. This illegal activity is very harmful. When I visited a blog belonging to LifeLock, I could read LifeLock reviews by consumers. The articles in the blog are interesting and can add to my knowledge and insight.

As an established online company which gives the customers identity theft protection, Life Lock has played its role very well. A great number of customers have been helped by this company. Many people has joined identity theft prevention program. Identity theft prevention program is a program which can prevent unknown people from accessing the customers’ credit accounts. By joining this program, the customers will feel safe and peaceful because LifeLock will protect their account. The customers will receive fraud alert call if there is someone who is trying to access or to open the customers’ credit account. In addition, the customers will also receive an identity guarantee. The amount is so great. Do you know how much it is? It’s $1,000,000. This is such a big guarantee.

LifeLock promo codes are provided, too. By taking advantages of this promo codes, customers will get special prices. Or, in other words, the customers will get the best discount to save their money.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Menyolok atau Mencolok?

Kata menyolok dan mencolok sama-sama sering digunakan oleh pemakai bahasa Indonesia. Meskipun demikian, di antara keduanyahanya satu bentukan yang sesuai dengan kaidah pembentukan kata bahasa Indonesia.

Untuk mengetahui bentukan kata yang benar, kita perlu mengetahui kata dasar dari bentukan itu. Untuk itu, kita dapat memeriksanya di dalam kamus.

Dalam kamus bahasa Indonesia, terutama Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, ternyata hanya ada kata dasar colok. Tampaknya, perbedaan bentukan kata itu timbul karena adanya perbedaan pemahaman mengenai proses terjadinya bentukan kata itu.

Sesuai dengan kaidah, kata dasar yang berawal dengan fonem /c/, jika mendapat imbuhan me-, bentukannya menjadi mencolok, bukan menyolok, karena fonem /c/ pada awal kata dasar tidak luluh. Dengan demikian, dalam bahasa Indonesia bentuk kata yang baku adalah mencolok bukan menyolok.

Link Sumber: http://www.pusatbahasa.diknas.go.id/laman/index.php?info=praktis&action=detail&kataistilahid=26

LifeLock Promo Codes

Many people have known about LifeLock. This company provides services in identity theft protection. The customers who sign up or join identity theft prevention program will also get LifeLock promo codes. By using these codes, customers will get some benefits. Special discount will be given to customers who use these promotion codes. So, the customers can save a certain amount of money.

There are some ways to know more about LifeLock. One of them is visiting lifelock.com. Various information on account security, identity theft protection, the program offered, etc. is provided by this site. You will get more comprehension on account security from this site.

Talking about the value of Life Lock, maybe we can see from the benefits obtained by the customers. The customers will get more security for their credit account by joining identity theft prevention program. The customers will also get reduction in junk mail. So, the customers don’t need to waste their time deleting the junk mail. The customers will feel peaceful. They get peace of mind because their credit account is protected 24 hours. Of course, there are still other benefits that the customers will get from the program. Just visit the site to get more knowledge about them.

Friday, July 4, 2008

LifeLock Reviews

Talking about identity theft protection cannot be separated from LifeLock because this online company provides identity theft prevention program. This program is necessary since irresponsible people are everywhere. They are ready to steal your identity and open credits in your name. Just imagine how much you will lose! Reading LifeLock reviews is also important. From the reviews, you can add to your comprehension about identity theft and you can take a preventive action and make your mind peaceful. You can sleep soundly without worrying about your credit account.

LifeLock is there to help you. It will protect you from people who are trying to access your credit account. So, if you are interested, you can join the program and get an identity guarantee up to $1,000,000. You will also get reduction in junk mail that always bothers you. Security becomes the main point of this site.

Those who are still curious about identity theft prevention program or those who want to know more about LifeLock can visit lifelock.com. This is one of good sites which gives much information on identity theft which has frequently happened. Everybody doesn’t want to have their credit account and their personal information accessed by unknown people, right?

Baby Prams, Pushchairs, and Travel Cots

How happy it is for the parents to have nice, cute, and healthy babies. Parents will usually do anything for their beloved babies. Looking at this fact, babythings4u.co.uk tries to provide the things which are really needed by parents to spoil their babies. Baby equipment provided by this site has a good quality. You can choose the suitable one for you. If your budget is limited, you can buy the cheap one. But, if you have a good budget, you can buy luxurious type of baby equipment, so your babies will feel more comfortable.

Babythings4u.co.uk provides various kinds of baby prams, pushchairs, and travel cots. Parents usually like to take their babies to go for a stroll or to go traveling. So, these things are very useful and you really need them. A baby pushchair or a baby pram is very common. Parents like to use it to take their baby to go around.

If you have twin babies, maybe you can use twin pushchairs for your babies. Even babythings4u.co.uk also provides triple pushchairs. Amazing products! So, what are you waiting for? Take your baby to any interesting place with fresh air by using a stroller or any baby equipment you like. Make your baby smile and feel happy!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Pemirsa atau Pirsawan?

Kata pirsa jika diberi imbuhan pe- menjadi pemirsa. Kata pirsa (berkategori verba) berasal dari bahasa daerah yang berarti 'tahu' atau 'melihat'.
Prefiks pe- (bertalian dengan prefiks verbal me-) di dalam bahasa Indonesia, antara lain, mengandung makna 'orang yang me-' atau 'orang yang melakukan'.
Kata pemirsa, berarti 'orang yang melihat atau mengetahui'. Kata itu kemudian digunakan sebagai istilah di dalam media massa elektronik, khusunya televisi, yang secara khusus diberi makna 'orang yang menonton atau melihat siaran televisi atau penonton televisi'.
Kata pirsawan sebaiknya dihindari sebab kata itu dibentuk dari kata dasar verba pirsa dan imbuhan -wan, yang merupakan bentukan kata yang tidak lazim.
Imbuhan -wan lazim dilekatkan pada kata dasar yang berupa nomina rupa-->rupawan, harta--> hartawan; atau dilekatkan pada adjektiva, seperti setia-->setiawan.

Link sumber: http://www.pusatbahasa.diknas.go.id/laman/index.php?info=praktis&action=detail&kataistilahid=25

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

LifeLock Promo Code

We do not know what will happen in the future because future is unpredictable. Someone who is rich can become a poor man; an ordinary man can become a very famous celebrity; and many more examples. It can also happen to people who have credit accounts. If they are not careful, their identity can be stolen by unknown people. What will happen if the identity is stolen? Of course, the thieves can do many things they like, such as asking for credit. To prevent this thing from happening to you, you can use the services of LifeLock which also provides LifeLock promo code.

Identity theft prevention program can detect and prevent when there is someone who is making an effort to steal the customer’s identity and want to ask for credits. This program is very important. If you want to know more about this program and other things related to it, you can visit lifelock.com. there is some good information you can get from this site.

If you sign up, you will get guarantee up to $1,000,000. It’s a great guarantee for the customers! You can also get a special price by using LifeLock promotion code. Now it’s time for you to protect your identity by joining identity theft prevention program.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Value of LifeLock

Tom (just call him so) is so shocked to see the fact that his credit account has been accessed by irresponsible person and this person has also asked for credits in Tom’s name. This is only an illustration, but it can really happen in real life. Tom wouldn’t have undergone this bad incident if he had used the service of identity theft prevention program. One of the online companies which provides this kind of service is LifeLock. The value of LifeLock is really great and important.

If you want to know more about identity theft, how it can happen, and how you can prevent your credit account from being accessed by unknown people, just read LifeLock review. Maybe you can get more understanding from this review. Remember… prevention is better that cure, isn’t it?

The existence of Life Lock can help people who want to protect their credit account. This online company gives $1,000,000 guarantee to the customers who have joined the identity theft prevention program. Besides this guarantee, the costumers are also given the best discount by using special promotion codes. One of other benefits that the customers can get is that they don’t need to worry about junk mail because LifeLock will reduce the junk mail.