Henson & His Works

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Wine Library TV

Wine is a kind of drink which comes from fermented juice of grapes. Now the technology to process wine is getting better and better. There are some colors of wine, such as red wine, white wine, and yellow wine. Wine is regarded as prestigious drink for some groups of people. A long time ago wine was ever used for special rituals. But now wine is used by some people when they are holding a party.

Talking about wine, there is a popular podcast in the internet. The name is Wine Library TV. When I visited tv.winelibrary.com, there were some episodes of Wine Library TV. For example, in Episode #148, Wine Library TV presented 'How to Get Your Wine Palate Trained'. In Episode #182, the topic was 'How Does The Weather Affect Wine?' This topic might be interesting and useful for those who like collecting wine because they will know what kind of weather is suitable for their wine collection. In another episode there was also Nightline's interview of Gary Vaynerchuk.

The program seems to be successful and have good responses from people. It can be seen from so many comments written by visitors. So, how about you? Do you have any comments on this popular internet podcast?

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