Henson & His Works

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Mengenal Linux Ubuntu 7.10 Live CD (Bagian Kedua)

Silahkan baca lagi Bagian Pertama.

Pada Linux Ubuntu 7.10 Live CD ini, task bar terletak di sebelah atas layar. Pada bagian sebelah kanan terdapat tombol Shut Down dan beberapa informasi mengenai jam sistem, jenis koneksi, dll. yang mirip dengan system tray pada sistem operasi Windows. Pada bagian sebelah kiri terdapat beberapa tombol, yaitu Application, Places, dan System. Namun yang akan dibahas di sini adalah Application dan System.

Secara default, Application terdiri dari beberapa menu, yaitu Accessories (Calculator, Text Editor, Take Screenshot, dll), Games (Mahjongg, Gnometris, Chess, dll), Graphics (GIMP Image Editor, F-Spot Photo Manager, dll), Internet (Firefox Web Browser, Pidgin Internet Messenger, dll), Office (OpenOffice.org Word Processor, dll), Sound & Video (Movie Player, Rhythmbox Music Player, dll), dan Add/Remove. Untuk menghapus atau menambah menu-menu pada Application ini cukup lakukan klik pada tombol System – Preferences – Main Menu. Di situ terdapat beberapa menu lain yang dapat Anda pilih sesuai kebutuhan.

Pada bagian System terdapat sejumlah informasi berkenaan dengan hardware komputer. Di sini kita bisa melakukan berbagai konfigurasi terhadap sistem komputer. Salah satu menu yang terdapat pada bagian System ini adalah Partition Editor. Anda dapat masuk ke sini dengan mengklik System – Administration – Partition Editor. Setelah saya pelajari lebih lanjut, Partition Editor ini ternyata memiliki fungsi yang sama seperti Partition Magic pada sistem operasi Windows. Partisi pada hard disk bisa dibuat, dihapus, atau diubah ukurannya dengan mudah dan cepat. Pada bagian System ini juga Anda bisa melakukan pengaturan terhadap desktop komputer, misalnya mengaktifkan screensaver. Linux Ubuntu 7.10 telah menyediakan puluhan screensaver themes yang bisa Anda pilih sesuai dengan keinginan Anda.

Compatible Ink & Toner

The needs to print documents keep on increasing. Now there are many kinds of printers, copiers, and fax machines. These home and office appliances needs ink or toner to do their job. To be able to give the best result in printing, these appliances must use good quality ink or toner with affordable prices.

Inkers, a company which has been well known by its customers especially in the USA and Puerto Rico, supplies high quality compatible inkjet and toner cartridges. These products are offered at much lower prices compared to brand name products. In spite of the lower prices, Inkers gives guarantee to its products. The delivery process is fast and the payment for the orders can be made by credit cards or PayPal.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Light Fixtures

Are you looking for light fixtures to beautify the appearance of your house? Just visit Farreys.com. This site provides so many kinds of home lighting and beautiful accessories. All those products are offered in the lowest prices. Talking about the quality, don't worry about it! Why? Because the products come from top manufacturers.

If you need ceiling light fixtures for example, try to search it in the site and you will find some with good quality and fantastic decoration. In short, brighten up and decorate your house with Farreys' product!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Web Hosting

New websites emerge every day. Those websites are built for several reasons: promoting products, offering services, giving free lessons, spreading news, opinion, idealism, etc. Now websites are easier to build. There are many good web hosting providers who are ready to help you. They offer hosting services at the lowest possible prices and some facilities to make your websites easier to build and to manage.

To choose the best web hosting provider, there are some factors to take into account: first, the cost that the hosting provider charges; second, the access speed; third, web design tools provided to build a good website; fourth, management tools that can be used to update and manage your website and also to view performance reports; fifth, reliability of the service; and sixth, technical support from the provider. Maybe you can try Host Gator who has had a good reputation. Or, Yahoo Host and Host Monster are also worth trying.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Tag from Rezki

Finally I got tagged, too! This tag was given by Rezki. Okay Rezki... I'll try to do the homework from you.

I'm passionate about:
  • reading books, especially books on computer science, foreign languages, biography of famous people, self-improvement, and wise words (for example, my own book entitled English Proverbs & Quotations)
  • writing books (So far seven books have been published.)
  • learning computer hardware and software
  • learning foreign languages, especially English and German
Mostly I say:
  • Yup
  • Keep up the good work! (especially when I try to encourage someone to perform better)
  • Have a nice day!
I've just finished reading:
  • English book
  • Mathematics book
  • brochure from a private bank
Before I die, I want to:
  • make my parents happy
  • see my parents make a pilgrimage to Mecca and I finance all the costs
I love listening to:
  • classical music
  • country music (especially by Tantowi Yahya)
  • Islamic songs (nasyid)
What my friends like about me:
  • They say I'm a good person and like to help other people. Do you also think so?
Last year I learned:
  • to be more patient in leading this life
  • to be able to grab all the opportunities which have good effects on my future life
And I'm going to tag this to :

Home Mortgage

People with bad credit history will usually face difficulty in obtaining credits or loans. But fortunately, now there have been many sites which focus their services in helping bad credit people. If you want to buy a home and need a mortgage loan, you can come to AdvantageHomeRates.com. This site will help you find the most suitable home mortgage for you.

To submit an application is not so difficult. Just apply here by filling out the form provided. Your credit score will usually have an effect on interest rates charged to you. So, these interest rates are different from person to person.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Mengenal Linux Ubuntu 7.10 Live CD (Bagian Pertama)

Sistem Operasi Linux makin digemari oleh para pencinta komputer. Semakin banyak distro Linux yang sudah beredar dan digunakan, seperti Mandrake (Mandriva), RedHat, Suse, PCLinux, dan Ubuntu. Yang akan dibahas pada postingan kali ini adalah Linux Ubuntu versi 7.10 Live CD.

Kata "Ubuntu" berasal dari Afrika yang berarti "humanity to others". Linux Ubuntu adalah salah satu distro Linux yang akhir-akhir ini banyak dipakai karena GUI (Graphical User Interface)-nya yang user-friendly dan fasilitasnya yang tidak mengecewakan. Sebenarnya sudah lama saya ingin mencoba distro ini tapi belum kesampaian. Oya, CD Linux Ubuntu bisa Anda dapatkan secara gratis dengan memesan secara langsung ke situsnya (Baca lagi di sini.) Saya mendapatkan CD ini pada Januari 2008 lalu. Namun, saat saya ingin mencobanya di PC, programnya tidak mau jalan karena hardware tidak mendukung. Maklum PC tua! Nah, baru sekaranglah saya bisa mencobanya. Kali ini saya mencoba menjalankan Linux Ubuntu 7.10 Live CD menggunakan laptop Toshiba dengan prosesor dual core, RAM 1.5 GB dan harddisk 120 GB. Pada laptop ini sudah terinstal Sistem Operasi Windows XP SP2.

Untuk menjalankan Linux Ubuntu 7.10 Live CD, ubahlah prioritas booting di BIOS komputer Anda ke CD/DVD. Atau, jika PC atau laptop Anda mempunyai fasilitas Boot Menu, masuk saja ke situ dan langsung pilih CD/DVD pada saat mau booting. Setelah beberapa detik, sistem operasi Linux pun berhasil dijalankan secara mulus. Desktop dengan tampilan dominan warna coklat muda yang indah dan sejuk menghiasi layar. Sekarang saatnya menjelajahi Linux Ubuntu 7.10 Live CD!

Mortgage Loan

Everybody wants to lead a good life. Everybody wants to have what they need. Everybody wants to have a decent house to live in with his/her family. Buying a house is not an easy thing to do. There are many factors that we must take into account, such as our budget, the price of the house, the location of the house and the facilities. In addition, we should also consider the types of loan we are going to take and from which lenders we are going to obtain the loans.

Mortgage Finder Network provides service in this field. This company tries to help the customers find the most suitable mortgage for them. The mortgage loan application will be processed quickly. But, before making a decision, it is better for you to compare first a number of mortgage loans offered. By making a comparison, you will not make a mistake in getting the best mortgage loan for you and you will not be disappointed in the end. The best service offered by a broker will contribute to the efficiency of your time and the effectiveness of your goal to own a new house. So, do you plan to buy a house in the near future?

Friday, March 21, 2008

Personal Cash Advance

In this life everything does not always run smoothly. Maybe we have been living in good financial condition. But sometimes, because of something, we are short of cash and really need money to fulfill our needs. To borrow money from a bank takes much time and the bureaucracy is sometimes complicated. So, the existence of websites which provide services in online cash advance or payday loans is very helpful.

Personal Cash Advance is one of the websites which provides this kind of service. The customers can submit an application and the application will be reviewed by the expert. The process is absolutely fast and easy. You do not need to wait for such a long time to obtain cash advance. As long as you meet basic requirements which have been determined by Personal Cash Advance, you will have a good chance of getting cash advance or payday loans.

Online cash advance can become a solution for cash problems, especially when you are caught between your paychecks. If you think that you qualify for a payday loan, just sign up and you will get what you need. If a lender approves your application to obtain cash advance, he will directly deposit the payday loan amount into your checking account or savings account.

Online Debt Consolidation

Nobody wants to have much debt. Debt is just like a monster which is always ready to devour us. When someone has much debt and he is still unable to repay the debt, and debt collectors keep on coming to him to ask about the payment of the debt, he will try to avoid those debt collectors. If this condition occurs over and over again, it will make him get depressed and make his life and his family unpeaceful. Are you also caught in this sort of problem? How do you feel?

No Debt Today is a service provider which can help you take back the control of your financial problem. This site offers the most trusted online debt consolidation program. This site assists you to consolidate your debt. So, if you want to overcome your debt problem and want to improve your credit scores, you have come to right place.

No Debt Today offers a list of special programs that the customers can choose according to their needs. Then the customers can get a free online debt consultation. No Debt Today will take care of the customers' debt. With trained and experienced staff, No Debt Today will handle the problem as well as possible.

Wet Paint

Internet world has made a rapid progress. Through internet we can send emails, chat with people, find some information that we need, do online transactions, write articles or posts in blogs (like this one) or websites. Now websites are owned not only by big companies or organizations, but also by individuals. To build a website is not as difficult as it used to be. Even you can get free websites easily because there are many sites in the internet which enable us to have our own websites. Just click here and there and soon... your own websites will be made.

Wet Paint is one of the sites that gives you the facility to create your own websites. You do not have to pay to have a Wetpaint account and you can create as many websites as you want. To get a Wetpaint account, you must sign up. The process does not take much time. To have your own free websites, you can do the followings: first, choose a unique name and URL address for your website; second, pick up a template that you like; and third, create a username and password. If you have done all these steps well, you will have your own websites in which you can post articles, share your photos with your family and friends, or discuss something with your group.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Cash Advance

Imagine that one day you come across a financial problem. You lose your regular income temporarily because of something. At that time you really need money. What will you do then? To borrow some money from a bank is not an easy thing to do because there are many requirements that you must fulfill and it takes time. One of the good solution for this problem is trying to get payday loans or cash advance.

A payday loan is a kind of a short-term loan which is small in amount. It is a temporary financial instrument which can help you solve your problems. Getting a payday loan is not so difficult. The requirements that you must fulfill are: first, your age must be at least 18 years old; second, you must have a regular source of income; and third, you must have direct deposit in the bank.

If you need some information on payday loans or cash advance, you can visit the site of Power Payday Loan. Through this site you can get the best payday loans. In its operation, Power Payday Loan applies high security technology which makes the confidential information safe and secure. Get a faxless payday loan with Power Payday Loan!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Auto Loan

A car is a means of transportation which is largely used by people around the world. By using a car we can get to places we want and it is very practical. Some people buy cars in cash while some others preferred buying the cars on credits.

To get an auto loan is not an easy thing to do. There are many things to take into considerations, like the amount of money, the interest rate, and duration of the loan. Get The Best Auto Loan is a site which provides services in auto loans. By using the service of this site, you will be able to get the lowest interest rates. The loan lenders compete with one another in giving loans to the customers. The more lenders are involved in this business, the lower the interest rate will be. Get The Best Auto Loan work with many famous loan lenders imposing lower interest rates. So, this is good for people who are trying to find auto loans. That is why, this site is preferred by customers.

Get The Best Auto Loan provides loans for new cars and loans for used cars. The customers can choose the suitable ones for them. In short, Get The Best Auto Loan can become the good source not only for auto loans, but also for auto financing.

Greatest Babblers

As an empty vessels make the loudest sound, so they that have the least wit are the greatest babblers.

Tong kosong nyaring bunyinya, maka orang yang banyak omong biasanya pengetahuannya hanyalah sedikit saja.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Merchant Account

Online business becomes more and more popular. Online transactions happen every day, involving so many people and companies. There are several kinds of payment that can be used for online business. One of them is using credit cards. By using this kind of payment, merchants will not lose more customers because as we know that many customers like to pay the products they buy by using credit cards. So, if merchants reject payment using credit cards, we can imagine how many customers will cancel the purchase or orders and switch to other merchants. And it also means that the profit of the company will reduce.

Merchant services are available in the internet. They will help set up ecommerce shopping cart which makes online stores work more efficiently. To be able to accept credit cards, a merchant need credit card machines. The machine must be able to process credit card sales in a fast and efficient way. Besides that, credit card machine must also be safe to use and it must fulfill the business needs of the merchant and also the customers who use credit cards. Security system of the machine must become the priority because nobody will make a transaction if it is not safe to do.

Spy Phone-007

Many kinds of phones have been produced and used by people. Those phones work almost in similar ways. But spy phone-007 is different. With its sophisticated technology, this phone functions not only to make a call, but also to be our personal spy.

As a web connected spy phone, this phone has several functions. If we see at glance, this phone works as an ordinary phone. But in fact, it can record every call made on it and also record ambient sounds around the phone. With these functions, phone-007 really works as a spy. We can hear the recordings on any computer. So, this phone can be used to monitor our children, to know many things about cheating spouses, and to make a long distance baby monitoring. Phone-007 will function automatically when there is noise or sound in the room. When it starts recording, the owner will get notification sms or notification call. So, we will know instantly what our phone is doing. In short, this is a very good, smart, and satisfactory phone!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Poipu Resort Area

Traveling is one of exciting activities. By traveling we can find new atmosphere and refresh our mind. Some people like to go to shopping center cities. Some like to visit popular building or landmarks. Meanwhile, some others like to enjoy the scenery, such as mountains or beaches.

Talking about beaches, there are so many beautiful beaches in the world. In America one of the best beaches is Poipu Beach, Kauai. In this beach you can really enjoy the scenery. The wind, the wave, the sea add to the flavor of the beach. In order to make your vacation run well, you need to order Poipu vacation rentals. The vacation rentals are of high quality, so they will not make you disappointed.

Poipu home rentals are also provided to the visitors. The visitors can choose the suitable home rental which they think the most comfortable. The visitors can stay in a convenient and cozy atmosphere. If the visitors do not want to stay in home rentals, they can also stay in condos. Poipu condos are also available. These condos are located in the south shore of Kauai. In short, Poipu resort area is very beautiful and worth visiting. Enjoy your days with the members of your
family in Poipu!

Get Your Own Free Ringtones

Ringtones have become the standard use in cellular phones. Many people like ringtones, especially young people. They collect many kinds of ringtones. Sometimes they share the ringtones with one another by transferring those ringtones via bluetooth, infrared or other media. Some of them download free ringtones provided by websites in the internet.

Now, whatever ringtones you want, you can get them easily in the internet. Maybe you like rock ringtones by your favorite artists, such as Bon Jovi, Coldplay, Korn, Nirvana, Ozzy Osbourne, or Green Day. Or, if you are a country music lover, you might feel better by having country ringtones from Dixie Chicks, Josh Turner, Martina McBride, or Tim McGraw. Just visit CustomAddict.com and you will be addicted to ringtones!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Payday Cash Advance

What will you do if you are in emergency and you need money immediately? To borrow money from the banks will take a long time because there will be a long and complicated process to go through. One of the answers to this problem is payday loan which is a short-term loan to fulfill your needs. More and more people require payday loans. They choose this kind of loans because it is easier to get cash when they need.

Easy Online Payday Loan is a site which provides service in payday loans. You can rely on this site to get a payday cash advance. The requirements to get a payday loan is not difficult. The following are the requirements that you must fulfill in order that your application to get a payday loan is approved:
  • Your age must be at least 18
  • You must have a regular source of income
  • You must have a direct deposit system in your local bank

How much money can you borrow? Well, talking about the amount of money you can borrow, it depends on the lenders. They will assess your application and decide the certain amount of money. From this loan, you will certainly be charged an interest.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Mengkritik atau Mengkritisi?

Dalam berbagai wawancara kita sering mendengar orang mengatakan mengkritisi, seperti dalam kalimat Kita harus tetap mau mengkritisi pemerintah agar kinerja bertambah baik. Betulkah pemakaian kata mengkritisi itu?

Kritik (nomina) dari critics (Inggris) dapat diturunkan menjadi verba mengkritik, yang berarti ‘melakukan kritik’ atau ‘memberikan kritik’ (Inggris: to criticize atau to give critical opinion). Mengkritisi merupakan bentuk yang salah karena seharusnya mengkritik, yang berasal dari meng- + kritik, seperti juga meng- + gunting dan men- + cangkul. Walaupun kritik, gunting, dan cangkul berkelas nomina, menggunting, mengkritik, dan mencangkul berkelas verba.

Di dalam Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia ditemukan kata kritisi dan kritikus, tetapi nomina itu tidak dibentuk menjadi verba. Jadi, bentuk yang benar adalah meng + kritik (pangkal verba) --> mengkritik. Bukankah kita juga tidak mengatakan mempolitisi, mengakademisi, dan memusisi, tetapi mempolitik (kan), mengakademikan, dan memusik (kan).

Sumber: Lembar Komunikasi No. 6/XVIII/2004

Ashop Commerce

To build a successful online store, we need to use good e-commerce software. This software must be easy to operate, safe, and have useful features. As the owners of online store, merchants must manage their business as well as possible in order to make it profitable and sustainable. If we see the fact in the internet, some online stores can survive under tight competition while some others cannot stand and go bankrupt.

Ashop Commerce is a well-known site in the US which provides shopping cart software. This site tries to dedicate its expertise to the customers by providing the best products and giving the best service and technical support. Ashop Commerce will help its clients in setting up a shopping cart which becomes one of very important elements in online stores. Merchants can develop their online stores effectively and efficiently. And this, in turn, will increase the selling volume of the stores.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Car Insurance

Everybody wants to have a good and comfortable life. In this life not all things happen as we expect because future is really unpredictable. When we watch news programs on TV, we can see so many bad things happening around us, like house fire or car accidents. These unexpected things make some people think about the ways to overcome the problems. One of them is by joining insurance program.

A great number of people have joined car insurance. By joining this insurance program, they can get protection when they get a car accident. As we know, we will spend so much money if we get into an accident. We need money to fix the damage of our car. Or, when our car hit other person's car, we also have to spend much money for the casualty. Another example is, during political crisis, many people do something irrational. They sometimes burn the cars they come across although they actually do not know whose cars they are burning. They just do what they want to do no matter what. In this sort of situation car insurance plays a very important role in giving us protection from the bad things that might happen to us.

Ashop Commerce

There are more and more online stores nowadays. Doing transaction through online stores is easier for customers and for the merchants themselves. For customers, they just need to pick up the products they want, put them into the shopping cart, and pay by credit cards or other payment devices. For merchants who own the online stores, they need a good shopping cart software which can take care of the transactions easily and safely.

As a leading provider of shopping cart software, Ashop Commerce provides good quality e-commerce software that can be used by merchants to handle and manage their online stores. Shopping cart solutions are offered not only to professional users but also to novice users who do not have much experience. Ashop Commerce is also dedicated to its clients by giving relevant advice and ideas. These advice and ideas will be very useful for the merchants to advance their online business in the future.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Esok dan Besok

Kata esok dan besok adalah dua kata yang sering dipertukarkan pemakaiannya. Namun, pada contoh berikut keduanya tidak dapat dipakai saling bergantian.

  • Esok lusa (bukan: besok lusa) kita perbaiki jalan hidup ini agar menjadi lebih baik.
  • Kita jelang hari esok (bukan: hari besok) yang lebih baik dengan kerja keras dan budi luhur.

Esok lusa dan hari esok pada contoh di atas berarti 'saat yang akan datang' atau 'masa depan', sedangkan besok lusa, alih-alih lusa, berarti 'dua hari sesudah hari ini' dan hari besok, alih-alih besok, berarti 'hari sesudah hari ini'.

Pada contoh berikut pun keduanya tidak dapat digunakan saling bergantian.
  • "Kapan Anda berangkat?" Besok. (bukan esok).
  • Ia datang besok pagi (bukan esok pagi).

Pada contoh berikut ini kata mengesokkan dan membesokkan dapat dipakai bergantian.
Jangan mengesokkan/membesokkan pekerjaan hari ini.

Kata mengesokkan dan membesokkan keduanya dapat digunakan pada kalimat di atas, masing-masing dengan makna 'menangguhkan sampai esok' atau 'menangguhkan sampai waktu yang akan datang' dan 'menangguhkan sampai besok' atau 'menangguhkan sampai satu hari kemudian'.

Sumber: Lembar Komunikasi Nomor 1/XIV/2002


Internet technology has developed very rapidly. It has a huge impact on internet business as well. Many companies need media which can effectively boost their search engine rankings. Now there is a tendency that companies choose blog marketing to increase their traffic and advertise their products. Meanwhile, if we see from the side of bloggers, many of them want to earn money from their blogging activities.

SnapBomb is one of the service providing companies which is ready to help both sides (advertisers and bloggers). In this case, SnapBomb connect advertisers and bloggers. Bloggers write opinion posts or reviews ordered by advertisers and they will get paid. Meanwhile, advertisers will get benefits from the buzz. The benefits can be traffic and pagerank increase, increasing selling volume, and more popular websites.

Credit Network

We are now living in a modern and sophisticated life. We are spoiled by a number of fasilities and ease. Many things are easier to get than they used to be and the process is fast.

Now many people use credit cards to support their daily activities. By using a credit card, they can buy many kinds of products they want or need, they can eat in a big restaurant, they can order flight tickets, and many other things. Some people use a credit card wisely. They just use it for something they really need. Meanwhile, some other people use it unwisely. They buy many products that they actually don't really need, or they use the credit card for something which is not important or not urgent. The temptation to use a credit card for such things seems so big.

If you want to know more about credit cards, you can visit Yourcreditnetwork.com. In this site you can get information on credit card offers. So, you can choose the most suitable one for you. Besides that, this site also gives several tips on how to use credit wisely. By reading the tips provided in the site, you will realize how important it is to use a credit card wisely. You will know what you should do and what you should not do with the credit card.

Domain Registration

There are so many websites we can find in the internet. Those websites have their own vision and mission. Some websites are used for educational purposes, some websites are used for business, meanwhile some others are used for organizations, government, etc. If you want to have your own website, you can buy a domain. With the advancement of internet technology, domain name registration will be processed more easily and more quickly.

If you want to register your domain name, you can visit Pay Less Domains. This site provides good quality service in website hosting. In general, a short domain name is preferred because the short website name will be easily remembered by visitors.

Talking about the prices, Pay Less Domains offers cheap and competitive prices. In addition, by using the service of this site, you can get your domain name registration approved quickly. You can also get admin tools which are very easy to use. The tools can be used to manage your websites.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Holiday Whistler

Going for a vacation needs good planning and arrangements in order to make your vacation successful and happy. To reach this goal, you need sufficient information on your destination and your travel. As an established vacation rental company, Holiday Whistler provides many things needed during a vacation. You can get satisfactory Whistler accommodation.

During your vacation you can order Whistler lodging, which will make you enjoy your stay there. Of course, Holiday Whistler really pays attention to the customers' satisfaction. Cozy and comfortable places are provided for this purpose. Cedar Ridge 17 is also very interesting to visit. It is located on the lower slopes of Blackcomb Mountain.

Do you need futher information on Holiday Whistler? Just visit its good and friendly website. You can also enjoy many beautiful pictures in this site.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Zenni Optical

Glasses are used not only for people who have trouble with their eyes but also for those who just want to appear stylish. Now there is a great discovery: Zenni Optical. If you need stylish glasses, you can visit ZenniOptical.com which sells many kinds of good glasses online. The prices offered are low. For example, you can buy Zenni Optical $8 Rx Glasses. As you can see, the price is reasonable but the quality is good. At least, there is one best thing found: Zenni Optical!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Pemimpin dan Pimpinan

Kata pemimpin dan pimpinan sama-sama merupakan kata yang baku di dalam bahasa Indonesia. Kedua kata ini juga lazim digunakan dalam pemakaian bahasa Indonesia. Hanya saja, kata pemimpin dan pimpinan mempunyai makna yang berbeda.

Kata pemimpin mengandung dua makna, yaitu 'orang yang memimpin' dan 'petunjuk' atau 'pedoman'. Dari maknanya yang kedua dapat diketahui bahwa buku, misalnya, yang digunakan sebagai petunjuk atau pedoman, selain dapat disebut buku petunjuk atau buku pedoman, juga disebut buku pemimpin.

Kata pimpinan ada hubungannya dengan memimpin. Dalam hal ini, pimpinan merupakan hasil dari proses memimpin, seperti halnya binaan merupakan hasil dari proses membina atau bangunan merupakan hasil dari proses membangun. Kata pimpinan juga mempunyai arti lain, yaitu 'kumpulan para pemimpin'. Dalam pengertian itu, kata pimpinan lazim digunakan dalam ungkapan seperti rapat pimpinan, unsur pimpinan, atau pimpinan unit. Sejalan dengan itu, akhiran -an pada kata pimpinan bermakna 'kumpulan', yakni 'kumpulan para pemimpin', seperti lautan yang bermakna 'kumpulan laut' dan daratan 'kumpulan darat'.

Sumber: Lembar Komunikasi Nomor 1/XIV/2002

Monday, March 3, 2008

Successful Authors

A great many successful authors have never taken a writing course or read a writing manual, and they wouldn't want to. Instead, they rely on common-sense measures to improve their writing skills. Realizing, for examples, that reading offers one good way to learn about using words, they are opt to go through several books and magazines a month and pick up pointers on style, organization, point of view and the like from each one. (Judith Appelbaum in How to Get Happily Published)

Banyak pengarang yang sukses tidak pernah mengikuti kursus menulis atau membaca buku manual menulis, dan mereka tidak akan mau. Sebagai gantinya, mereka mengandalkan ukuran-ukuran akal sehat untuk memperbaiki ketrampilan menulis mereka. Misalnya, menyadari bahwa membaca memberikan satu cara yang baik untuk mempelajari cara menggunakan kata-kata, mereka cenderung melahap beberapa buku dan majalah dalam satu bulan dan mengambil hal-hal penting mengenai gaya, pengaturan, sudut pandang dan hal-hal yang serupa dari satu sama lain.

Disability Insurance

Future is unpredictable. We do not know exactly what will happen in the future. A superstar can become an ordinary person someday. A poor person can suddenly become a very rich person. Yes, nothing is impossible in this world.

Some people try to reduce the bad risk in their lives by joining insurance programs. Now there are many insurance programs. One of them is disability insurance. This insurance program can be applied to high-income professionals who, because of their sickness or other problems, cannot perform their job and cannot make money. Disability insurance program really helps those who are undergoing such conditions.

If you want to get disability insurance quotes, just visit ProtectYour Income.com. This site gives guidance and provides much information on the subject you need.


In the internet we can find many kinds of online promotion for a number of products. Promopeddler.com is one of good sites which offers the largest promotional products online. This site also tries to give the best service in order to satisfy its customers.

There are various promotional items offered by Promopeddler.com, such as apparel, bag, pen, and keychains. All the items are offered at the best possible prices. If your company want to have a promotional tool, you can order corporate gifts. This is one of the best way to promote your company because you will get free advertising by having the logo of your company imprinted on the items. It sounds a good idea, isn't it?

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Going to Travel in Hawaii

Hawaii is well-known for its beautiful scenery, especially beaches. It is located in the middle of Pasific ocean. Many people from many parts of the world come to Hawaii every year. If you plan to travel to Hawaii, you need to arrange many things. One of them is the place where you will stay. You can try to search for Hawaii vacation home rentals which give you more privacy and more freedom.

Another place which is also interesting is Maui. Here you can find luxurious condominium, art galleries, boutiques, etc. Arrange your travel here by searching for Maui vacation vacation rentals which can arrange your vacation effectively and efficiently.

In the western-most part of the United States there is Kauai, a very beautiful place which is famous for its green forest, beautiful beaches, and other attractions. If you plan to visit this place, you can book Kauai vacation rentals. Have a nice vacation!

Saturday, March 1, 2008


The starting point of all achievement is desire. Keep this constantly in mind. Weak desires bring weak results, just as a small amount of fire makes a small amount of heat.
(Napoleon Hill)

Titik awal dari semua pencapaian/prestasi adalah keinginan. Ingatlah terus akan hal ini. Keinginan yang lemah membawa hasil yang lemah, seperti halnya api yang kecil menghasilkan panas yang juga kecil.