Henson & His Works

Friday, December 26, 2008

Sekilas tentang Dunia Penulisan Buku (Bagian 3)

Apa Yang Harus Ditulis?

Mungkin bagi para pemula, pertanyaan yang muncul di benak mereka adalah: Apa yang harus saya tulis? Sebenarnya apa saja bisa ditulis. Pembaca buku berasal dari berbagai latar belakang pendidikan, minat, hobi, dan sebagainya. Jika Anda memiliki kiat-kiat praktis di bidang komputer, Anda bisa menulis buku komputer. Jika Anda menguasai bahasa Inggris, Anda bisa menulis buku yang berhubungan dengan bahasa Inggris, misalnya buku tata bahasa (grammar), kosakata (vocabulary), percakapan (conversation), atau buku soal-soal bahasa Inggris yang dilengkapi dengan pembahasannya. Jika Anda hobi berkebun atau menanam bunga-bunga hias dan Anda benar-benar menguasai mengenai hal tersebut, Anda bisa menulis buku panduan praktis menanam bunga hias. Jadi, sebenarnya banyak hal di sekitar kita yang bisa dijadikan bahan untuk menulis buku. Bahkan bagi ibu-ibu yang hobi memasak, mereka bisa menulis buku resep masakan spesial. Buku jenis ini bisa juga laris di pasaran kok.

Mengenai gaya penulisan, itu terserah Anda. Masing-masing penulis buku biasanya memiliki gaya penulisan yang berbeda-beda. Yang jelas, usahakanlah menulis dengan menggunakan kaidah-kaidah bahasa Indonesia yang baik dan benar, baik itu tata bahasa, pemakaian kata, maupun pemakaian tanda baca.

Di bawah ini adalah gambar cover 2 buku dari 7 buku saya yang sudah diterbitkan oleh beberapa penerbit di Indonesia.

Penerbit Dioma Malang

Penerbit Yrama Widya Bandung

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Ashworth College

Nobody can deny the importance of education. Education can become one of the aspects which influences one’s future. Ashworth college is an educational institution that cares about one’s advancement in the future. This college also has a college board which consists of thousands of schools, colleges, universities, and educational organizations. With its programs such as the SAT®, the PSAT/NMSQT®, and the AP®, the college board tries to increase the quality of education.

Ashworth college exists among so many colleges. It has a good purpose to help people get better skill and knowledge. As we know, the United States is now going through a fall from top ranks of countries with a college-educated workforce. The existence of Ashworth college is very helpful in taking a part in coping with this problem. This college produces good quality graduates who are ready to enter the workforce. By having postsecondary degrees or certificates, the graduates are expected to be able to work well. Many people are not ready to work when they have completed their study. So, when they are forced to enter the workforce and they really get a job, they cannot do their job well. Or, in other words, they cannot do their job as they are asked or expected to do.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Sekilas tentang Dunia Penulisan Buku (Bagian 2)

Apakah menjadi penulis itu harus punya bakat? Tidak juga. Kalau punya bakat menulis, proses tulis-menulis akan menjadi lebih lancar. Tapi itu tidaklah berarti bahwa profesi penulis tertutup bagi mereka yang tidak mempunyai bakat. Kemampuan di bidang tulis-menulis bisa dipelajari dan dikembangkan selama kita memiliki kemauan yang keras, tekun, dan mau berlatih tanpa kenal lelah.

Terus terang, pada awal terjun di dunia tulis-menulis pada 1993, saya tidak memiliki bakat menulis. Saya sering merasa kesulitan dalam mengungkapkan gagasan-gagasan atau pikiran-pikiran saya. Namun, saya terus berusaha belajar, membaca berbagai buku, membaca dan mengamati tulisan-tulisan para penulis lain, serta berlatih menulis. Akhirnya, saya pun berhasil mewujudkan keinginan saya untuk menjadi seorang penulis. Selama tahun 1993-2000 artikel, puisi dan cerpen saya berhasil dimuat di beberapa majalah dan surat kabar di Indonesia. Namun, sejak tahun 2000, saya merasa jenuh dan mulai berpikir untuk mencapai yang lebih tinggi lagi, yaitu menjadi penulis buku. Bisakah?

Ternyata, dengan kerja keras, cita-cita untuk menjadi seorang penulis buku pun tercapai (Untuk cerita yang lebih lengkap, silahkan baca artikel perdana saya di blog ini) Tahun 2002 buku pertama saya berhasil diterbitkan oleh sebuah penerbit di Solo. Hinggi kini (2008) sudah tujuh buku yang diterbitkan. Buku-buku tersebut diterbitkan oleh penerbit-penerbit di Jakarta, Bandung, Malang, dan Surabaya. Mudah-mudahan karya-karya selanjutnya akan segera menyusul. Betapa bahagianya saat menemukan buku-buku saya terpajang di toko-toko buku terkenal.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

LifeLock Review

Mr. Smith can sleep soundly and feel secure because he has joined identity theft prevention program. He is not worried if there is someone who wants to try to open his credit account because the prevention program will give fraud alert call and he also gets other security services. The different situation happens to Mr. Donny. He often feels worried about his personal and financial information. He is afraid that someone will use his secret information for bad purposes. Unfortunately, Mr. Donny does not want to join identity theft prevention program. He is still not aware of the importance of this program. Maybe he needs to read a LifeLock review to know more about LifeLock, its program, and other facilities he will get by becoming the member.

A number of LifeLock reviews have been published to give enlightenment to readers. From the reviews it is expected that readers will be more aware of the importance of protecting their personal and financial information. It will be a big disaster to find our information being stolen. The thief can use this information to ask for credits or, to make it worse, to ruin our reputation. Can you imagine what it will be if it really happens to us?

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Sekilas tentang Dunia Penulisan Buku (Bagian 1)

Sejak tahun lalu banyak pengunjung blog ini yang meminta saya untuk menulis artikel atau tutorial mengenai proses untuk menjadi seorang penulis buku. Namun, permintaan tersebut belum juga sempat saya penuhi. Nah, sekarang tibalah saatnya bagi saya untuk memenuhinya. (Posting ini dapat juga Anda baca di blog SMART STEPZ dot COM.

Menulis, apakah itu puisi, cerpen, artikel, atau buku, pada dasarnya merupakan sebuah kegiatan kreatif yang membutuhkan ketrampilan khusus. Untuk menjadi seorang penulis dibutuhkan kesabaran dan latihan secara terus-menerus.

Kegiatan tulis-menulis itu sendiri memiliki beberapa manfaat sebagaimana diungkapkan oleh Bernard Percy dalam bukunya The Power of Creative Writing (1981):
  • a tool for self-expression (alat untuk pengungkapan diri)
  • a tool for understanding (alat untuk pemahaman)
  • a tool to help developing personal satisfaction, pride, and a feeling of self-worth (alat untuk membantu mengembangkan kepuasan pribadi, kebanggaan, dan rasa nilai/harga diri)
  • a tool for increasing awareness and perception of one's environment (alat untuk meningkatkan kesadaran dan persepsi terhadap lingkungan)
  • a tool for active involvement, not passive acceptance (alat untuk keterlibatan secara aktif, bukannya penerimaan secara pasif)
  • a tool for developing an understanding of and ability to use the language (alat untuk mengembangkan pemahaman dan kemampuan menggunakan bahasa)

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Unsecured Loans

In this life sometimes we need loans to fulfill our certain necessities. If you are a small business owner, for example, maybe some day you will need small business loans to develop your business or to run your business better and better. So, how to get the loans? Going to the banks to get the loans is often very difficult because the banks usually demand a lot of requirements. As an alternative place, you can go to Unsecured Funding Source. The process is easy and fast. Just visit the website and fill out the easy two step application. It will take only about two minutes.

In addition to the loans for small businesses, you can also try to get personal loans for your personal necessities or business start up loans to start your new business. You do not have to use collateral or have assets to get the loans. Unsecured Funding Source gives priorities to the consumers. That’s why, everything is made as easy as possible. The application is approved within 48 hours. If your application is approved, you are free to use the loans. Unsecured Funding Source will not restrict you. It’s simple. Isn’t it? Do you want to try the service given by this website?

Thursday, December 4, 2008

PayPal Berbahasa Indonesia

Bulan lalu saya menerima email dari PayPal yang menginformasikan bahwa PayPal sudah mendukung bahasa Indonesia. "PayPal sekarang berbicara dalam bahasa Anda!" Demikian yang diungkapkan oleh PayPal.

Dengan adanya dukungan bahasa Indonesia, hal ini akan lebih memudahkan bagi para pengguna jasa PayPal yang tidak mengerti bahasa Inggris sehingga transaksi yang mereka lakukan (baik itu penerimaan pembayaran, pengiriman uang, penarikan uang ke bank lokal, maupun hal-hal lainnya) dapat terlaksana dengan lebih mudah dan lebih cepat. Nampaknya PayPal mulai memberikan respon positif terhadap para penggunanya dari Indonesia. Hal ini sangat berbeda dengan keadaan beberapa waktu lalu.

LifeLock Discount

Identity security is one of interesting and important topics to talk about. Just imagine… 8.4 million American people became victims of identity theft last year. Because of this, more people enroll at LifeLock which offers identity theft protection program. The customers will be given fraud alerts to protect their identity or personal information. Junk mail will also be reduced. And one more interesting thing is that the customers will be given up to $1,000,000 identity guarantee. To learn more about this, you can read LifeLock reviews.

LifeLock also gives LifeLock promotion code RD 12. By using this promo code, the customers can get limited time discount and save some money. They can enjoy 30 days free and pay only $9 a month. It is an interesting offer, isn’t it? LifeLock discount is certainly preferable. The customers will be able to get the best identity protection with lower cost.

Although there are a number of online companies providing services in identity theft protection, LifeLock seems to be different. Many features and services can be utilized by the customers in order to prevent their identity from theft. Now they are not worried about the security of their personal information or financial information because LifeLock will give protection.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Nouveau University

Education is very important. It can bring someone into success in the future. Unfortunately, nowadays there have been a great number of bad quality educational institutions so that the graduates do not have a good skill. That’s why, choosing a good school or university is unavoidable in order that the students do not regret in the end. The advancement of technology has now played a very significant role in education world. Many learning processes are done through internet. It can make the students be able to arrange their own time. One of private online universities which has produced successful graduates is Nouveau University. This university is headquartered in Scottsdale, Arizona.

There are some programs which are offered at Nouveau University. They are accounting, finance, marketing, real estate investing and small business management. The programs are taught so systematically and practically that the students can understand them very easily. Many graduates of Nouveau University have been successful and become entrepreneurs or business professionals. This university was founded by Jim Piccolo. He is a successful entrepreneur, chief executive officer (CEO) of many big companies, and notable speaker. It is no wonder that this private online university develop rapidly. Even the former President of University of Phoenix, Dr. Laura Palmer Noone, has become one of the team at Nouveau University. Of course, it will strengthen the position of this university.

Small Business Loans

Many people run small businesses to get income or wealth. But unfortunately, some of them do not have cash or capital to run their businesses. To overcome this problem, they can actually try to obtain small business loans. America One Unsecured is one of the online company which provides services in giving loans. You can even try to get unsecured personal loans if you need money for your personal needs, such as traveling, going for a holiday, home improvements, or for debt consolidation.

Business loans are needed by business owners or entrepreneurs to start their new business, to run their business, or to expand their business. No business can run without capital. America One Unsecured is there to help those who need loans. Several kinds of loans are provided by America One Unsecured. You can choose the kind of loans that you really need. The process is usually easy and fast. It is no wonder that America One Unsecured has become trusted loan and credit leader since 1999. To serve the customers, this financial website has good and friendly customer care staff who is ready to help you. You can contact toll free number at 800-457-6785. Now you know where to come when you need loans for your business or for your personal needs.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Medical Billing Schools

Medical world has made a rapid progress. There have been so many careers having to do with this medical world now. There are doctors, nurses, midwives, ultrasonography technicians, physiotherapists, pharmacy technicians, X-ray technicians, medical billers, and some other careers. These careers seem to have a very good prospect. They have a good payment and they are needed by many people.

Talking about medical billers, maybe some of us are not familiar with this career. As a matter of fact, medical billers must undertake education and training in medical billing schools. After completing their education and training, they can work in hospitals, clinics, physicians’ offices, nursing homes or home health agencies. They are in charge of the medical records for documentation. Are you interested in this career? Just visit Career-Education.net. In this website there are some information on medical billing schools, especially on the prospect, the benefit, where you can study, etc.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Ask2link Makin Lancar

Setelah sekitar dua bulan bergabung dengan Ask2link, kerjasama dengan agen periklanan ini nampaknya mulai membuahkan hasil yang signifikan. Beberapa link di blog saya ini yang memiliki PR4 mulai dibeli oleh para advertiser. (Sebenarnya sejak dua minggu bergabung sudah ada dua link yang dibeli oleh advertiser. Ini bisa Anda baca di sini.) Begitu juga dengan empat blog saya yang lain yang memiliki PR3, link-link-nya mulai dibeli oleh advertiser. Sementara blog saya yang memiliki PR2 belum mendapatkan advertiser. Jadi kesimpulannya, mungkin link-link yang kemungkinan besar dibeli oleh advertiser adalah link-link milik blog dengan PR minimal 3.

Dengan makin lancarnya kerjasama bisnis advertising dengan Ask2link, ini bisa melengkapi bisnis dengan Text Link Ads yang lebih senior dan untuk saat ini bisa memberikan hasil yang lumayan. Bayangkan... tanpa kerja sama sekali, sekitar $100 bisa diperoleh dari Text Link Ads dalam satu bulan.

Bagi Anda yang memiliki blog dengan PR3, PR4, atau lebih, mengapa blog Anda disia-siakan? Lebih baik kan dimanfaatkan untuk mendapatkan income sampingan tanpa harus kerja sama sekali. Cukup mendaftar, dan kalau diterima, tinggal tunggu advertiser yang mau membeli link di blog kita. Mudah, bukan? Bagi yang tertarik, silahkan mendaftar di sini.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Holiday Frames from Zenni

Zenni Optical is known as the popular online eyeglasses shop. Various eyeglasses are available in this online shop. Holiday glass frames from Zenni Optical are offered to the customers to fulfil their need. There are also stylish eyeglasses with cheaper price. If you visit the website, you can find $8 complete Rx eyeglasses. Interested?

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Kekuatan Antusiasme (2)

Antusiasme merupakan satu-satunya hal yang membuat Noah Webster menghabiskan 36 tahun masa hidupnya untuk menyusun sebuah kamus terlengkap. Kini kamusnya Webster’s Dictionary menjadi kamus bahasa Inggris terlengkap standar dunia. Antusiasme juga yang membuat Thomas Alfa Edison tabah dan sabar melalui ribuan kegagalan untuk menemukan bola lampu.

Antusiasme akan menyebabkan seseorang begitu mencintai pekerjaannya, bahkan ia akan berusaha untuk menghasilkan yang terbaik dalam setiap pekerjaannya. Orang-orang yang memiliki antusiasme tidak pernah dikontrol oleh lingkungan, bahkan dialah yang mengontrol lingkungannya. Jika lingkungannya dalam kondisi baik, ia akan baik; jika lingkungannya dalam kondisi buruk, ia akan tetap baik. Antusiasme adalah energi hidup yang tertanam di dalam diri kita, energi yang membuat kita maju dan terus maju. Antusiasme membuat hidup kita lebih menarik. Antusiasme membuat hidup kita berbeda.

Antusiasme bersifat menular, maka setiap orang yang hidupnya penuh dengan antusiasme akan selalu berupaya menularkan semangat positifnya kepada orang lain.

Sumber: Fight Like A Tiger Win Like A Champion oleh Darmadi Darmawangsa dan Imam Munadhi, Penerbit Elex Media Komputindo

Monday, November 17, 2008

Kekuatan Antusiasme (1)

Attitude yang positif akan membawa hasil yang lebih baik jika dibandingkan dengan attitude yang negatif. Salah satu bentuk dari positive attitude adalah antusiasme. Menurut kamus Webster, salah satu makna antusiasme adalah,”perasaan senang luar biasa untuk menggapai sesuatu”. Ketika kita memiliki “sesuatu” sebagai tujuan untuk digapai, kita akan bersedia untuk mengeluarkan segenap potensi diri untuk mencapainya. Dalam bahasa Inggris, kata ini memiliki ejaan enthusiasm yang berasal dari bahasa Yunani en theos dan berarti “kekuatan dari Tuhan di dalam hati”. Zig Ziglar melihat sisi lain dari kata ini. Menurutnya, empat huruf terakhir kata tersebut, iasm, dapat diterjemahkan dengan “I am sold, myself”. Artinya, seseorang yang memiliki antusiasme adalah orang yang sudah benar-benar yakin pada dirinya sendiri, baik pada pengetahuan, kemampuan, serta keahliannya. Ia sangat yakin akan berhasil dalam setiap proses pekerjaannya. Bahkan dengan keyakinannya yang sangat kuat ini, ia juga dapat meyakinkan orang lain untuk benar-benar percaya pada dirinya. Perbedaan mencolok antara seorang good salesperson dengan seorang great salesperson; good mother dengan great mother; good leader dengan great leader terkadang hanya dari segi antusiasme. Antusiasme membuat seseorang berbeda dari orang lainnya. Antusiasme membuat seseorang semakin menarik, membuat orang memberikan perhatian kepadanya, dan yang paling penting membuat orang lain melakukan apa yang dimintanya. Antusiasme merupakan sendi-sendi kehidupan yang membuat hidup ini lebih hidup, berwarna, dan bermakna, bukan saja bagi diri kita sendiri tetapi juga untuk orang lain.

Sumber: Fight Like A Tiger Win Like A Champion oleh Darmadi Darmawangsa dan Imam Munadhi, Penerbit Elex Media Komputindo.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Nail Fungus Treatment

Nail fungus is a kind of plant which can grow well in our nails. Without good and appropriate treatment, this fungus will be hard to be eradicated. ZetaClear is the right medication because it contains formulation of natural oils which can heal fungus in our nails. Some people have used ZetaClear and they said that it could help them solve their nail fungus problem. If you want to know more about nail fungus, read ZetaClear reviews.

LifeLock, Again!

There are still many people who do not know what identity theft is? In short, identity theft is an illegal action where someone is trying to access other people’s accounts. What is the purpose of this action? As a matter of fact, there are several purposes. One of them is that the doer of the action can ask for credit by using his or her victim’s name. Of course, it will be very harmful to us. The existence of LifeLock is very helpful in this case. Identity theft prevention program is offered in order to protect the clients’ accounts from irresponsible people. Life Lock is there to help you, so you do not need to worry about the security of your account.

Everybody does not want to have his or her personal information or account stolen. That’s why, he or she will do anything to protect it. If he or she ignores it, catastrophy will come. One of the best way to prevent identity theft is knowing and understanding more about it. LifeLock.com will help you understand more. Just visit the website! You can learn many important things. You will get new knowledge about identity theft, especially about how it happens and how to prevent it.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Zenni, Again!

Zenni Optical was on FOX news! Zenni on Fox certainly makes Zenni Optical more popular. At Zenni you can get great eyeglasses for less. So, it means that you can save a certain amount of money. Many shapes and styles of eyeglasses are offered at Zenni Optical. Variable dimension frames from Zenni make the customers be able to choose the suitable frame for them.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Computer Store

Nowadays computer world has made a rapid progress. The hardware goes through changes month by month. The new processors and motherboards are produced to take the position of the older processors and motherboards. Notebooks are also very popular. Many people use these appliances. Printers are not left behind. New types of printers are produced by big and famous manufacturers. There are inkjet printers, laser printers, and dot matrix printer. Multifunction printers are also available with several functions, like printing, copying, scanning, and faxing..

Besides inkjet printers, laser printers, and multifunction printers, portable printers have been used by many people. These printers are easy to carry. So, you can bring a portable printer when you go somewhere. We use a portable printer usually when we want to print photos of our trip.

Super Warehouse is an online company which offers so many products of computer, printers, and computer monitors. HP notebooks are also offered. All the products offered have good quality because they come from well-known manufacturers, such as Canon, Epson, Xerox, Apple, HP, Lexmark, IBM, and Sony. If you visit its website, you can see so many good products. You can choose the product that you need. You can also check the prices of the products in this website.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Di dan Pada

Akhir-akhir ini banyak pengguna bahasa Indonesia yang senang menggunakan ungkapan di malam hari, di awal abad XXI, atau di awal milenium III.
Penggunaan preposisi di pada ungkapan itu menunjukkan kekurangcermatan dalam pemilihan kata. Preposisi di digunakan untuk manandai tempat, baik yang konkret maupun yang abstrak.
Oleh karena itu, preposisi di seharusnya diikuti keterangan tempat. Pada konteks itu pilihan kata yang tepat adalah pada karena diikuti waktu.

Beberapa kalimat berikut menggambarkan penggunaan di secara tepat.
(1) Pusat pemerintahan negara berada di Jakarta.
(2) Di dinding terpampang lukisan Monalisa.
(3) Keuntungan besar sudah terbayang di depan mata.

Link Sumber: http://www.pusatbahasa.diknas.go.id/laman/index.php?info=praktis&action=detail&kataistilahid=31

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Gas & Electric Fireplaces

The existence of fireplaces is very important for many houses. Fireplaces can heat the room when it is cold. Fireplaces can also add to the flavor of the houses. Gas fires can give us some saving. Besides that, the fires produced are usually good and can be distributed proportionally. You can instal gas fires in one of the most suitable rooms of your house. Or, if you do not want to use gas, you can also use electric fires. The fires produced are also good and they are energy-saving. These two kinds of fires does not cause pollution. So, they are safe for the people in the house.

Hotprice is a retailer company which distributes many kinds of gas and electric fireplaces. All the products offered to the customers have good quality. In addition, the styles are also interesting. You can choose the most suitable style for your house. If you like traditional styles, Hotprice has provided so many fireplaces with traditional or artistic style. Or, if you prefer contemporary styles, don’t worry! Hotprice also has stocks of so many modern or contemporary styles. Just visit the website and you can see a great number of fabulous pictures of fireplaces. Check also the designs. They are eye-catching, aren’t they?

Some people prefer installing hole in the wall fires. There are several reasons why they choose this. First, it does not require so much space. Second, it is integrated to the wall. Third, it has a good view. And fourth, it does not disturb the activities of the people in the house. So now, what kind of fires are you going to install in your house? You have a little describtion, don’t you? If you are still doubtful, just visit the Hotprice UK website again. Look at the pictures one by one and find the best one for you!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Life Lock Can Secure Your Account

Have you ever imagined what will happen if your account is accessed by unknown people? Yes, they can know all about your personal information. They can know about your credit account. And of course, they can know and do more than that! For example, those people can ask for credits by using your name. You will suffer from a lot of losses. So, how to avoid this? One of the ways is by securing your account with Life Lock. This company offers identity theft prevention program which will be very effective in protecting your account. By leaving the security of your account to this company, you can sleep soundly. You do not need to worry about the security of your account because LifeLock will do it for you! You will be informed as soon as possible if there is someone who is trying to access your account.

To give more information to the customers and other people about identity theft, there are LifeLock reviews. From the reviews you can learn much about identity theft cases. The saying goes,”Prevention is better than cure.” I think that is right. It is better for us to prevent something from happening than undergoing bad things.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

London Flights

London is one of the biggest cities in the world. This city has a unique historical background. Now there have been so many tourist objects in London. Visitors are usually looking forward to going back to London to enjoy the atmosphere. The success of tourism in London cannot be separated from accommodations provided, such as hotels, restaurants, and flights. London flights are famous for their easy booking. The booking process is easy and fast and it makes the customers satisfied. How convenient it is to fly over London city. We can see the beauty of the city from the sky. If we fly at night, we can enjoy many kinds of lights illuminating London City.

London is supported by several good airports. You can fly using an easyjet plane, middle-class plane, or big plane. It depends on your budget. Flights from London are easy. Every year many people (tourists, businessmen, politicians, etc.) fly from London. Improvement in quality and facilities makes those people love flying from London.

The popularity of low cost and budget airlines in London has been known by a great many people from all over the world. It is no wonder that London flights can be accessed more easily. Supported by good airports, such as Heathrow, Gatwick, Luton, Stansted and London City Airport, the flights are always comfortable for the passengers. Cheap London flights are preferred by many people. Just imagine! Only by spending less money can a passenger fly to a certain place. It is a good and interesting offer, isn’t it? Maybe you can choose to fly to Dublin (Ireland), Malaga (Spain), Palma (Majorca), or to big cities like Barcelona, Paris, or Amsterdam. Don’t worry there are more destinations you can fly to from London. All right now… prepare yourself as well as possible for your enjoyable and fascinating flight!

Current CD Rates

Current CD rates are newly financial resource blogs. These blogs are good for those who want to find information on current CD or best bank bonuses. By the way, what does CD stand for? It stands for Certificate of Deposit. So, if that’s what you are looking for, or maybe you’re looking for top CD rates, you have come to right place!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Afiliasi dan Asosiasi

Kata afiliasi sering digunakan, seperti pada SMU Afiliasi atau perguruan tinggi afiliasi. Afiliasi adalah 'gabungan sebagai anggota atau cabang'. Setiap anggota atau cabang itu mempunyai hubungan berjenjang naik dengan pusat yang digabunginya.
Misalnya, sebuah universitas yang belum lama didirikan dan masih belum maju serta belum berprestasi tinggi di bidang akademis berafiliasi dengan universitas yang maju, modern, dan berprestasi tinggi.

Universitas yang masih muda dan belum maju itu merupakan afiliasi, anggota, atau cabang dari universitas yang sudah maju dan modern.

Asosiasi (association) adalah 'organisasi atau kumpulan orang yang memiliki satu tujuan yang sama (biasanya) yang bertujuan positif'.
Kata asosiasi biasanya digunakan untuk menyatakan hubungan bagi organisasi yang berbadan hukum.


LifeLock Promotion Code

Account security… account security… account security…! The word ‘security’ seems to be very easy to pronounce, but it is so hard to apply it in real life. Many people have become the victims of identity theft. We cannot count how many dollars have been stolen from this action. The victims have suffered from many kinds of losses. The existence of LifeLock is very necessary to cope with this problem. This online company knows what to do to protect its clients. With an identity guarantee up to $1,000,000, the clients feel safe and secured.

For those who still have much time to browse in the internet, it is better for them to visit LifeLock.com. There is a good blog which contains so much information that you should know on identity theft. Just read and learn all the information while spending your spare time. For all clients, they are given LifeLock Promotion Code. By using this promo code, they will be able to save some of their money because they will receive the best discount. So readers… Are you going to protect your credit account by yourself or by using the service of another online company? The decision is in your own hand!

Friday, October 3, 2008

LifeLock Reviews

The understanding of personal information security is absolutely important. If our personal information is stolen by other people, it will be a big hazard to us. Other people can do many things with our personal information, such as knowing all of our credit accounts and asking for credits by our name. Many cases of identity theft have happened and have made the victims suffer from a lot of losses. Maybe you can read LifeLock reviews which contain much information on identity theft.

Indeed, identity protection is needed. That’s why, many people have joined identity theft prevention program to protect their identity or personal information. This program can prevent bad people from accessing the client’s information or credit account. One of the websites which provides this kind of service is LifeLock. This name has been well-known. The client’s personal information security becomes the priority of this website.

If you are still interested in knowing more about identity theft, just visit LifeLock.com. Maybe this is the good place for you to find more information on identity theft, how it can happen, how to prevent identity theft action, etc. By knowing all about this, we will be more aware of the danger that exists around us.

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Peter is getting upset now. He has a problem with his broken car. Yesterday he had a car accident and now his car is severely broken. Fortunately, he has got only a little injury on his right arm. The cost to repair his car is so expensive. As a matter of fact, it would not happen to Peter if he joined auto insurance program. This program is very good to give protection to your car in case there is a car accident. The insurance company will pay you a certain amount of money based on the policy and the condition of the accident.

Low.com Insurance is an insurance company which provides several insurance programs, such as auto insurance, life insurance, health insurance, and homeowners insurance. You can choose the most suitable insurance program for you. For example, if you are having a nice car, maybe you can take car insurance. So, you can protect your car from some risks that might happen to your car in the future. There is one important thing to keep in mind when joining a car insurance. Try to find the lowest insurance rates on the market. So, you can save a certain amount of money.

California car insurance is also very popular. Many people have joined this program. Low.com Insurance can become the resort for people. If you visit this website, you will get much information on insurance programs, credits, mortgage, et cetera. Although it looks very simple at glance, Low.com website has a good functionality. The buttons are designed in such a way that visitors can get easily what they are looking for. The navigational system of this website runs very well. Low.com is a potential website which can be used by people to solve their certain problems. Feel free to visit this good website!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Personal Loans

Are you in need of personal loans now? How are you going to fulfill your need? Going to the bank and trying to ask for credits can be the solution. But unfortunately, the bank usually demands a lot of difficult requirements. Not to mention, it will take much longer time. So, what is the best solution? Maybe you can come to America One. It is a nationwide loan consulting company. America One offers a number of lending programs to people in the United States. The requirements to obtain loans are easy and the approval process is fast. That’s why, many people has become the customers of America One.

If you are small business owners, you can try to get small business loans to run your businesses. Just complete the online form and America One will serve you. Don’t worry! Your privacy and security will become the priority because America One has had a good credibility. If you have some questions on lending programs provided by America One, you can also contact customer service representatives. They will be ready to help answer your questions. Or, if you have a problem in submitting the online form, the customer service representative can also guide you through the process of submitting the form.


When we have a problem, sometimes we need something to change the atmosphere. Reading jokes can be one of the ways. It can reduce a stress in our mind. We can smile or laugh. In fact, many people like jokes not only to reduce their stress but also to increase their bond of friendship when they are getting together. By telling jokes, the atmosphere of the meeting or gathering will be more comfortable.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Preventing Identity Theft with LifeLock

If you want to keep your house from theft, robbery, unwanted guests, etc., maybe you can hire security guards. But how about identity or personal information? How to keep it safe and secure? Well… in this case you can use the service from the third party and this third party must certainly be able to be trusted. LifeLock is one of the online companies which provides services in identity theft prevention program. This prevention program is very popular for its effectiveness in eradicating identity theft. For more information about it, maybe you can visit LifeLock.com.

The clients’ satisfaction becomes the priority of Life Lock. That’s why, some good and interesting facilities are given to the clients. The clients will receive an identity guarantee up to $1,000,000. The best discount will also be given if the clients use promotion codes. What makes identity theft prevention program successful in doing its job is that the client will receive a phone call giving an alert if there is someone who is making an effort to access the client’s credit account and ask for credits by using the client’s name. Then the client can decide or make a confirmation whether the transaction can be continued or not.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Business Cards

It is small in form, but it has a significant function. Yes… that is a business card. Companies need professional business cards to communicate with their clients or prospects. A business card usually contains some information, such as the name of the company, logo, address, email address, phone number, and the URL address of the company’s website. A company has to choose the best business card image and style which can describe the company professionally. Professional business cards can also function as a status symbol. It has also been shown that business cards have made the company get more publicity which, in turns, can increase the profit of the company.

There are two kinds of business cards: regular business cards and online business cards. The former has been very common to us, but the latter… you have to visit websites providing service in business card designs. Usually, the second type of business cards is cheaper and faster. You can save a certain amount of money and energy. You do not need to hire a business card designer because the websites have provided so many interesting and professional template designs for you to choose. Well… Create your professional business card which can function as the representative of your company.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Line of Credit

Looking for credit is not an easy thing to do these days. There are some difficult and complicated requirements to fulfill. It frequently makes people annoyed and frustrated. If you ever went through this bad condition, why not come to America One? This online financial company provides a line of credit that might be suitable for your need. For example, you can get unsecured small business loan to run or to develop your small business. In this case, collateral is not required. The process is easy and fast. No wonder that America One has been trusted by more than three million Americans since 1999.

As a trusted loan and credit leader, America One also offers personal loan. This loan can be used to finance your personal needs, such as for travelling or for wedding ceremony. This kind of loan is also easy to obtain. If you have any problems and you are still doubtful about what you should do, you can get help from the professional staff. America One has provided professional staff who will be ready to guide you and to solve your problem. All the lending programs provided by America One are available for use throughout America. So, if you are in need of those lending programs, what are you waiting for?

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Satu Bulan Pascaoperasi

Satu bulan sudah saya menjalani operasi yang tepatnya dilaksanakan pada hari Sabtu 9 Agustus 2008. Namun hingga saat ini belum saya rasakan sedikit pun perubahan ke arah yang positif. Banyak sobat blogger dan pengunjung yang menanyakan keadaan saya. Saya ucapkan banyak terima kasih kepada Anda semua yang telah peduli dengan memberikan doa, dorongan semangat, dan masukan kepada saya. Semoga Allah membalas kebaikan dan kepedulian kalian semua!

Saat ini saya masih terus menjalani rawat jalan. Selain makan obat yang diresepkan oleh dokter, saya juga menjalani fisioterapi tiga kali seminggu. Fisioterapi ini berupa penghangatan kaki dengan menggunakan sinar infrared dan latihan duduk berdiri yang dibantu dengan alat khusus yang sudah dirancang untuk itu.

Sekali lagi saya ucapkan terima kasih kepada Anda semua. Doa dan masukan-masukannya tetap saya nantikan melalui kolom Comments.

Friday, September 12, 2008

LifeLock Promotion Code

The news on identity theft has frequently been heard. According to annual identity theft survey released by Javelin Strategy and Research, in 2007 there were eight million people who became victims of identity thieves. It cost a total of $51 million. Can you imagine that? Many victims regretted this bad action. But unfortunately, regret often comes late. They have become the victioms and this condition is irreversible. If they had joined identity protection program by LifeLock, it would not have happened.

Through identity protection program, LifeLock prevents its clients’ information or identity from being accessed by unknown people. As we know, bad people are everywhere. They will be ready to grab all the opportunities that come to them. They can steal information and use the information to get credits or other things. Here, the role of LifeLock is very important in giving protection. LifeLock promo codes are also given to the clients in order that they can save some money. It means that when a client uses LifeLock promotion code, he/she will receive the best discount.

Before joining an identity protection program, I suggest that you compare the costs first. Reading LifeLock review is very useful because you can get more information or description on the program that you join.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Phentermine Diet Pill

For some people, reducing weight is considered very difficult. They have tried several ways or methods but they are not satisfied with the results. Now there is Phentermine which can help those who want to reduce or lose their weight. This diet pill suppresses the appetite. To get the optimal result, consumers should use this diet pill along with the overall diet plan.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Logo Design Website

Talking about a logo, what will cross your mind? Well, it is a kind of an emblem or a device which is used by a company, an organization, an educational institution, etc. Logo can describe the image of the company, organization, or educational institution. The existence of a logo is very important. That’s why, a good logo design is indispensable. A great number of people can know a company, for example, only by looking at its logo. Educational institution also has a unique logo which is different from other institutions. In many cases, the students are very proud of using the logo of their alma mater.

When I visited the website of LogoYes.com, I was so amazed to see fascinating logo products designed by creative persons of LogoYes. Indeed, LogoYes is a good logo website which provides free online service. Visitors can try to create their own logo. I can design a logo myself using the samples given. One thing that is interesting here is that you need neither a certain skill in logo design nor a special software. You can do it very easily. Even you can create a professional logo design for business cards.

LogoYes is well known for its do-it-yourself logo design website. It means that everybody is allowed to create his/her own logo as I have mentioned above. There are three good points about the products of LogoYes. They are: first, although you make the logo smaller, you do not need to worry about losing the details of the logo; second, you can use color or black and white for your logo without losing its beauty; third, the logo designs of LogoYes are different from others and those logos are memorable. Are you interested and curious about it? Just visit LogoYes.com and try to create your own logo.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Chapman House Inc.

Mr. Brown get very confused and sad because his only son who is still studying in a high school becomes a drug user. Unfortunately, Mr. Brown knows about this after his son has become an addict. He has tried to take his son to a drug rehabilitation center but his son refuses it. What makes it worse is that the son does not want to stop using drugs. Even he often steals Mr. Brown’s money to buy drugs. He cannot resist his addiction. This illustration often occurs in real life.

As a matter of fact, drug addiction has become a serious problem in many countries. It is not easy to solve this problem because it is very complicated. Some drug addicts do not want to be treated in a rehabilitation center which specializes in drug addiction. In other words, they refuse when they are asked to enter a drug rehab. In this case, an interventionist plays a very important role. Intervention is needed to cope with this kind of people. Combining Vernon Johnson method and the techniques developed by Chapman House treatment team, the Chapman House staff is able to perform intervention on the persons who are involved in drug addiction. This method is very effective in overcoming the problem. Many people of addiction can be cured here. If you want to know more about this, you can visit Chapman House website.

To clean the body from the effects of drugs needs detoxification. This detoxification is not a short process. It takes several days. At Chapman House, Licensed Physician and Licensed Psychologist are provided to help support the patients in order to make the drug detoxificaton run better. Chapman House drug rehab has several good facilities for the patients of addiction. So, these facilities are very helpful for better and more comfortable rehabilitation process.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Mr. Anderson felt very sad and confused because his credit account was accessed by an unknown person. What made it worse was that the person asked for credits by using Mr. Anderson’s name. At first, he believed that his credit account was safe. That’s why, he didn’t ask for third party’s service to protect his credit account. It has a different case from Mr. Smith’s. Mr. Smith can sleep soundly because he has joined an identity theft prevention program from Life Lock.

The illustration above shows us how important the identity theft prevention program is. By joining this program, the customer can prevent his identity and his credit account from being stolen by irresponsible people. As we know, there have been so many cases on identity theft happening around us. This illegal action makes the victims suffer from a lot of losses.

LifeLock.com is an online company which specializes in providing security service. A $1,000,000 guarantee is provided to customers who join the program. The customers will get protection for their accounts and, as a result, they will feel safe and comfortable. LifeLock promo code is also given to the customers in order that they can save a certain amount of money. In other words, they will be able to reduce their spending.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Cuti Nge-Blog Karena Operasi

Sudah dua minggu lebih saya tidak nge-blog. Banyak kunjungan dan pesan-pesan dari para sobat blogger lain yang belum saya balas. Saya ucapkan maaf yang sebesar-besarnya kepada sobat blogger. Ketujuh blog saya tertinggal begitu saja (terbengkalai) tanpa adanya posting baru.

Perlu sobat ketahui, saya sekarang diopname di Rumah Sakit Muhammad Husin Palembang. Hari ini sudah memasuki hari yang ke-16. Hari-hari yang berat harus saya lalui demi kesembuhan. Saya menjalani operasi tulang belakang karena selama ini saya mengalami kesulitan berjalan. Sebelum opname, saya telah menjalani beberapa pemeriksaan, yaitu pemeriksaan rontgen, CT Scan, hingga MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging). Dari hasil pemeriksaan tersebut, dokter ahli bedah ortopedi melihat adanya syaraf yang terjepit dan ia menyarankan agar saya menjalani operasi. Menurutnya, masih ada harapan untuk sembuh dan bisa berjalan lagi.

Bagian yang dioperasi

Karena harapan untuk sembuh inilah yang menyebabkan saya mengikuti anjuran dokter untuk menjalani operasi yang tergolong operasi besar. Betapa tidak… Operasi ini memakan waktu 6 jam lebih dan setelahnya saya harus menginap terlebih dahulu di ruang ICU (Intensive Care Unit). Lima kantong darah (1500 cc) dibutuhkan untuk transfusi. Sudah tidak terhitung lagi berapa banyak cairan infus dan suntikan yang masuk ke dalam aliran darah saya. Kadang terasa begitu perih.

Saya dan ibu yang selalu setia mendampingi saya dalam suka dan duka

Masa-masa sulit pascaoperasi saya lalui dengan tekad untuk sembuh. Tapi apa yang terjadi??? Setelah operasi kondisi saya bukannya membaik, tetapi justru menjadi lebih buruk. Kedua kaki saya yang sebelum operasi masih bisa merasakan sentuhan kini justru menjadi mati rasa. Saya tidak tahu pasti sampai kapan hal ini akan terjadi. Pengorbanan berupa usaha, tenaga, dan finansial nampaknya belum membuahkan hasil. Biaya medis yang begitu tinggi turut mempersulit kondisi saya. Untuk biaya pemeriksaan sebelum operasi, biaya pelaksanaan operasi, biaya alat, biaya perawatan, obat, dan lain-lain, kalau dihitung-hitung sudah mencapai sekitar 50 jutaan. Dan ini belum berakhir….!!! Kadang terlintas juga dalam pikiran saya untuk mencari sponsor penyandang dana. Tapi apa memang ada ya lembaga independen yang mau berbaik hati membantu biaya pengobatan saya? Ah… sudahlah… Tidak usah mimpi!

Kepada sobat blogger sekalian…. Saya mohon doanya. (Maaf kalau postingan ini agak kacau-balau. Maklum saya mengetik di atas ranjang rumah sakit dengan tubuh yang masih terasa perih. Namun keinginan untuk nge-blog lagi begitu kuat.)

Friday, August 22, 2008

RankNoodle Search Engine

Have you ever heard about RankNoodle.com? It is a new experimental search engine that can help internet users in searching the materials they need. The existence of new search engine is very good and important as long as it can serve its users as well as possible. The fast searching process becomes one of the indicators of good search engine.

To find the materials using RankNoodle is very easy. You just need to enter the phrase and then click Search. And the rest… let RankNoodle do its job. Wanna try this? The top 100 searches are displayed on the website if you want to see them.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Business Loan

Running a business needs capital. But sometimes the business owner has a problem with this capital The owner can try to get business loans to fulfill their capital needs. A business loan with fast funding, no collateral and no tax returns is usually preferable because the business owner will not be much burdened.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Nouveau Riche

Nowadays there are a lot of ways to create wealth. Some of those ways can be applied easily. Meanwhile, some other ways are very difficult to apply in real life. Smart decision is needed to find and select the best ways. Once you have found the ways, being Nouveau Riche will not be a dream any longer. The most important thing is that you have high confidence in everything you do. Without having this quality, it will be very difficult to realize the dream.

Nouveau Riche usually has a community in which the members can contact with one another and share their experiences. A special website is built specially for the members so that they can get new information. A number of success stories from members are also published in order that the other members can learn and improve the quality of their lives.

“Rags to Riches” is a special term which refers to the condition of a person that goes through a transformation from poverty to wealth. This transformation needs smart steps. Nouveau Riche knows what he/she has to do. These smart steps are taken in order to reach the goal. As a matter of fact, everybody has a capability to create wealth. The problem is he/she does not know how to start.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Stocks Online

Many people are now interested in forex trading. It seems that this business is getting more popular. There are many sites giving information on forex exchange. One of them is eToroUsa. This stocks online company has been famous for its business activities. If you visit its site, you will get much information on forex market and many other things related to it.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Pulang ke Palembang

Setelah dua minggu tinggal di Pulau Jawa, tepatnya di Yogyakarta dan Magelang, hari ini saya pulang ke Palembang karena semua urusan telah selesai. Ketika pesawat yang saya tumpangi terbang di atas Kota Palembang menuju tempat pendaratan, saya bisa menikmati suasana kota dari atas. Saya sudah begitu akrab dengan kota 'empek-empek' ini.

Saat keluar dari Bandara Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II kembali saya merasakan udara panas. Ini sangat berbeda sekali dengan keadaan cuaca di Yogyakarta dan Magelang yang begitu dingin. Wajar saja karena kedua daerah ini dikelilingi oleh gunung. Makanya... selama tinggal di daerah Yogyakarta dan Magelang, saya selalu mengenakan jaket untuk melindungi tubuh dari dinginnya udara. Walaupun saya sudah beberapa kali mengunjungi Yogyakarta dan Magelang, saya masih belum terbiasa dengan keadaan cuacanya. Ah... Kapan ya ke Yogyakarta dan Magelang lagi???

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Taman Wisata Kyai Langgeng

Rabu 30 Juli 2008 saya beserta keluarga berkunjung ke Taman Wisata Kyai Langgeng di Magelang. Karena hari itu hari libur nasional, banyak sekali pengunjung yang datang, mulai dari anak-anak TK hingga orang tua.

Taman Wisata Kyai Langgeng memiliki area yang sangat luas sehingga para pengunjung bisa leluasa untuk pergi kesana kemari menikmati pemandangan atau menggunakan fasilitas yang diberikan. Bagi para pengunjung yang suka naik komedi putar, bianglala, roller coaster, atau bebek air, semua fasilitas tersebut disediakan oleh taman wisata ini. Dengan lokasi geografis yang berbukit-bukit, para pengunjung bisa melihat pemandangan atau suasana di atas dan di bawahnya dengan begitu leluasa. Bagi penyandang cacat yang menggunakan kursi roda atau ibu-ibu yang membawa bayi menggunakan kereta dorong, mereka tidak perlu khawatir sebab, selain menggunakan jalan berupa anak tangga, taman wisata ini juga dilengkapi dengan jalan-jalan rata sehingga memudahkan kursi roda atau kereta dorong bayi untuk melewatinya. Hal ini perlu dicontoh oleh taman-taman wisata lain.

Taman Wisata Kyai Langgeng memang merupakan salah satu alternatif yang tepat untuk mencari hiburan atau sekadar untuk refreshing. Taman wisata ini dilengkapi pula dengan perpustakaan, musholla, bangku-bangku tempat para pengunjung beristirahat sejenak, dan sebagainya. Bagi mereka yang ingin berkeliling tanpa harus merasakan kelelahan berjalan, mereka bisa naik mobil khusus yang sudah disediakan oleh pengelola taman wisata ini dengan membayar sejumlah uang tertentu.

Para pengunjung taman wisata ini nampaknya tidak hanya berasal dari Magelang, tetapi juga dari berbagai daerah lain. Itu bisa saya lihat dari mobil-mobil atau bis-bis pariwisata yang datang dengan menggunakan plat kendaraan yang berbeda-beda. Yang menarik adalah, ketika saya berkunjung ke taman wisata ini, ada beberapa guru yang membawa murid-murid TK atau SD dan mengajarkan mereka beberapa hal, misalnya tentang kebersihan, tentang alam, atau tentang tumbuhan. Cara ini tentu saja bisa membuat proses belajar menjadi lebih menarik.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Perjalanan ke Magelang

Minggu sore 27 Juli 2008 saya berangkat ke Magelang setelah sebelumnya menginap di Yogya selama 5 hari. Kebetulan saudara saya ada yang tinggal di Magelang, tepatnya di kompleks perumahan tentara tak jauh dari lokasi Akademi Militer. Udaranya begitu dingin karena daerah ini dikelilingi oleh beberapa gunung. Ketika berjalan-jalan keliling kompleks, saya sempat memotret pemandangan gunung dengan kamera HP saya. Pemandangan begitu indah walaupun gunung tidak tampak jelas karena diselimuti oleh kabut sore.

Magelang berada di wilayah Provinsi Jawa Tengah dan posisinya terletak di perbatasan Jawa Tengah dengan Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Di dunia pendidikan, kota ini sangat terkenal dengan Akademi Militer-nya yang telah melahirkan para perwira tangguh. Selain itu terdapat juga sekolah yang sangat terkenal yaitu SMA Taruna Nusantara.

Selain menikmati pemandangan yang indah, saya beserta keluarga juga sempat mengunjungi tempat wisata Kyai Langgeng yang sangat indah dan terkenal. Pengunjung begitu ramai karena hari itu adalah hari libur nasional (30 Juli 2008). Setelah puas menikmati suasana tempat wisata tersebut, kami pun pulang. Sore harinya kami kembali ke Yogyakarta.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Perjalanan ke Yogya

Selasa 22 Juli 2008 pukul 14.15 pesawat Lion Air membawa saya beserta para penumpang lainnya ke Jakarta. Tujuan perjalanan saya adalah Yogya. Namun, saya harus transit terlebih dahulu di Jakarta. Perjalanan dari Palembang ke Jakarta ditempuh dalam waktu 50 menit. Selama masa transit di Jakarta, saya memanfaatkan waktu untuk menelpon saudara-saudara dan teman saya. Lalu saya menyalakan laptop, mencoba mencari hotspot untuk sekadar melihat-lihat blog. Tapi saya kecewa sekali karena sinyal hotspot yang saya terima sangat lemah sehingga saya gagal melakukan koneksi. Ini berbeda sekali ketika saya menunggu pesawat di ruang tunggu bandara di Palembang. Sinyal hotspot sangat kuat dan saya bisa browsing sembari menantikan waktu keberangkatan.

Pukul 17.00 saya sudah berada di dalam pesawat yang akan membawa para penumpang ke Yogya. Perjalanan udara dari Palembang ke Yogya ini sangat lancar. Tidak ada halangan apapun. Apalagi cuaca sangat cerah. Dari dalam pesawat saya bisa melihat gumpalan-gumpalan awan putih di bawah.

Lima puluh menit kemudian pesawat sudah tiba di Bandara Adi Sutjipto Yogyakarta. Saudara-saudara saya beserta keponakan-keponakan saya sudah menunggu di ruang tunggu bandara tersebut. Ah… akhirnya saya berada di Yogya lagi! Sudah 7 tahun tidak mengunjungi Yogya. Sebelumnya saya telah beberapa kali datang ke Daerah Istimewa ini.

Senang sekali rasanya bisa bertemu dan berkumpul kembali bersama saudara-saudara dan keponakan-keponakan. Kami berbincang, bercanda, dan bernyanyi. Kami juga sempat melihat beberapa sudut daerah Yogyakarta. Banyak sekali perubahan yang terjadi dibandingkan 7 tahun yang lalu.

Minggu 27 Juli 2008 kami mengunjungi Pantai Parang Tritis atau yang lebih dikenal sebagai Paris. Pada awalnya saya bingung ketika keponakan saya mengajak saya ke Paris. Saya belum nyambung. Akhirnya keponakan saya menjelaskan bahwa Paris itu singkatan dari Parang Tritis. Macam-macam saja! Kalau di Palembang Paris berarti ‘parak sinilah’ (atau dalam bahasa Indonesia ‘dekat sinilah’). Di Pantai Parang Tritis ini saya bisa melihat ombak besar bergulung-gulung. Selama ini saya cuma bisa menyaksikan ombak Parang Tritis di televisi. Gundukan-gundukan pasir ada di sana-sini. Anak-anak, termasuk keponakan saya, bermain-main di pantai sehingga tubuhnya basah dan kotor karena dipenuhi pasir. Pantai Parang Tritis adalah salah satu objek wisata yang potensial. Tapi sayangnya… menurut saya tempat wisata ini belum dikelola dengan baik. Peran pemerintah daerah sangat diperlukan agar tempat wisata ini terlihat lebih indah dan rapi.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Yang Benar Anarkis atau Anarkistis?

Dalam berbahasa, kata anarkis tampaknya lebih banyak digunakan daripada kata anarkistis. Kedua kata itu, sering kali digunakan dalam pengertian yang tertukar. Sebagai contoh, perhatikan kalimat berikut.
Para demonstran diharapkan tidak melakukan tindakan yang anarkis.
Kata anarkis pada kalimat itu tidak tepat. Untuk mengetahui hal itu, kita perlu memahami pengertian kata anarkis.

Kata anarkis anarchist berkelas nomina dan bermakna 'penganjur (penganut) paham anarkis' atau 'orang yang melakukan tindakan anarki'.
Dari pengertian tersebut ternyata kata anarkis bermakna 'pelaku', bukan 'sifat anarki'. Padahal, kata yang diperlukan dalam kalimat tersebut adalah kata sifat untuk melambangkan konsep 'bersifat anarki'.
Dalam hal ini, kata yang menyatakan 'sifat anarki' adalah anarkistis, bukan anarkis.

Kata anarkis sejalan dengan linguis 'ahli bahasa' atau pianis 'pemain piano' sedangkan anarkistis sejalan dengan optimistis 'bersifat optimis' dan pesimistis 'bersifat pesimis'.
Dengan demikian, kata anarkis pada kalimat tersebut lebih baik diganti dengan kata anarkistis sehingga kalimatnya menjadi sebagai berikut.
Para demonstran diharapkan tidak melakukan tindakan yang anarkistis.

Lalu, bagaimanakah penggunaan kata anarkis yang tepat?
Sebagaimana yang telah disebutkan di atas, kata anarkis bermakna 'pelaku', yaitu 'orang yang melakukan tindakan anarki'. Oleh karena itu, penggunaannya yang tepat adalah untuk menyatakan 'pelaku' atau 'orang yang melakukan tindakan anarki'.
Contohnya dapat disimak pada kalimat berikut.
Pemerintah mengingatkan masyarakat agar tidak berlaku sebagai anarkis dalam melakukan unjuk rasa.

Perlu pula diketahui kata anarki bermakna (1) hal tidak adanya pemerintahan, undang-undang, peraturan, atau ketertiban';(2)'kekacauan (dalam suatu negara)'.
Anarkisme bermakna 'ajaran (paham) yang menentang setiap kekuatan negara; teori politik yang tidak menyukai adanya pemerintahan dalam undang-undang'.

Link Sumber: http://www.pusatbahasa.diknas.go.id/laman/index.php?info=praktis&action=detail&kataistilahid=28


Internet technology has developed rapidly. Many things can be done more easily and more quickly. But, behind this remarkable development, there are also some negative effects. One of them is identity theft. A number of identity theft cases have occurred. Therefore, you must be more careful to handle your accounts. Once an identity thief accesses your account, it will be very harmful for you.

The existence of lifelock.com is very important. People can learn from this site which belongs to Life Lock. This company is well-known because it has dedicated itself in protecting the customers from bad people who are trying to steal identities and access the customers’ credit accounts. Without protection, those bad people will be able to access the accounts and ask for credits in the customers’ names.

Do you still want to know more about the problem described above? Well, it’s easy. Just read LifeLock reviews which contain interesting articles on identity theft, identity protection program, and other related topics. After reading the articles, maybe you will have more awareness and understanding of the importance of identity theft protection. Maybe you will also be interested in joining identity theft prevention program which will give you good protection and identity guarantee.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Arti Tanggal Lahir

Setelah membaca postingan sahabat saya Juliana Dewi K. tentang arti tanggal lahir, saya mencoba masuk ke situs ini untuk melihat arti tanggal lahir saya (tapi bukan berarti saya percaya sepenuhnya dengan semua penjelasan yang diberikan lho.)

Cara melihat arti tanggal lahir, kita cukup memilih bulan dan tanggal lahir kita, kemudian mengklik Submit Your Birth Date. Hasil yang diberikan oleh situs ini terhadap tanggal lahir saya adalah sebagai berikut:

Your Birthdate: September 16

You're incredibly introverted and introspective. You live inside your head.

You spend a lot of alone time meditating and thinking.

People see you as withdrawn, and at times they are right.

You are caring and deep, but it may be difficult for you to show this side of yourself.

Your strength: Your original approach to thinking

Your weakness: You tend to shy away from others

Your power color: Pale blue

Your power symbol: Wavy line

Your power month: July

Saya agak terkejut juga membaca hasil ini karena hasil yang diberikan memang mendeskripsikan karakter saya sehari-hari.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Real Estate College NR

The system how a college teaches its students has a big effect on the students’ success. It has been proven by Nouveau Riche, a Real Estate Investment College, which has produced successful people. In this college students are given various kinds of good and applicable strategies and concepts. In other words, those strategies and concepts can really be applied in the real life.

It is very interesting to read success stories of the people who have applied the knowledge they got from Nouveau Riche. They can be involved in real estate investment businesses, they can overcome their financial problems, and many more inspiring stories. The most surprising news I have ever read is that some people who have graduated can earn some hundred thousands dollars only in several months. It seems that creating wealth is no longer a big problem for them.

At Nouveau Riche, the students are also taught to build confidence because, as we know, confidence is one of the requirements to achieve success in business. How can we do a business or make an investment if we do not have confidence? By having high confidence and by understanding real estate investment strategies, achieving the goal of business will be easier.